The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> when have people EVER taken an attack calmly

when have people EVER taken an attack calmly
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Thursday, June 24 2004, 16:18:54 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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..didn`t America feel justified in killing anyone it felt like after it was attacked? Didn`t we feel morally washed clean for killing the Japanese because they attacked us? Are we completely crazy that we SAY we are outraged when the Iraqis fight back? And who gives a shit if there are "outsiders"? Did we not join the wars of others? Who is more from "outside" Iraq...a Syrian or an American?

But Bush knew all along as did the rest of them that Iraqis would rise up...especially after they put the screws to them increasingly..kept medicine from them, raped their waives and sons and let pictures "leak" out..they knew it and counted on it and are as pleased as shit that it`s happening..not "shocked" and "dismayed"...and they certainly want a lot more of it..not less.

They need Terrorists and Terrrorism something fierce.


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