where`s Mowgli when you need him? |
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- Saturday, June 26 2004, 13:59:40 (CEST) from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
It seems that you don't comprehend what you read, notice that I mentioned that Assyrians have a history 5000+ years, that proves that I don't think of it as a church name, because there was no Christians prior to 2000 years ago. ...Tiglath didn`t say the church was around back then..he said they didn`t behave BACK THEN as if they were in a church TODAY. It can`t be that they`re this challenged..it has to be a tactic..I mean avoiding the point staring them in the face to run down an alley. Akkadian, Sumerian, Assyrians, Syrianc, Babylonians, can be pooled together because their culture is similar, plus they evolved from Mesopotamia, while Arabs and Kurds are foreign cultures and people that came into Mesopotamia as invadors. Arabs and Kuyrds have no relation with Assyrians, Akkadian, Sumerian, Babylonians. ..the Sermites who conquered and then absorbed and mingled with the Sumerians were very different...that`s why they were so powerful and creative when they combined...Semites were from the desert..where Arabs came from. ...This is ass backwards again...Kim is arguing from only what is thought to be known. What if the Assyrians had conquered the Arabs and dragged their asses back to Nineveh? They would have become Assyrian in time. So, they came there on their own and conquered the Assyrians and then, as so often happened back then, the desert conquereor was himself conquered by the advanced civilization he thoght he+d conquered. And it isn`t true that they had nothing in commmon..the Arabs very quickly adapted to the cultures of BetNahrain as the Assyrians adapted to the more vigorous Muslim religion...look at the empire they built and how they revived the glory that was Babylon by building the magnificent Baghdad above it and extending their empire all the way to Spain and their influence to the New World. The Assyrians who converted to Islam went on behaving in ways we know of as Assyrian while the ones who turned Christian picked up some very peculiar and hitherto unheard of behaviors...they got down on their knees and prayed for salvation...something they never needed before..they directed their prayers at a Jew god...and they ran barefoot to China where they built a brick..one brick, which they still take delight in 2000 years later. --------------------- |
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