which god? |
Posted by
- Monday, June 21 2004, 15:01:06 (CEST) from Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
Dear all, Here is an interesting, saddening and informative article by Thamir Kello analysing the relationship between Chaldean Democratic Party and ADM, the role of KDP, the future, etc...etc. Find out more at http://www.kitabat.com/r21644.htm May God help us. Bur Hawil ...they`re gearing up...the accusations will start flying any day now...who lost Assyria? Me or you? And which god are they calling on for help? If god was a tool...then they sure as hell traded in a good one on one they too haven`t been able to build a toilet with. Just compare what we did with Ashur and what`s been done to us with Yahwe. Who would get off a race horse to ride a jackass...and then become one? Who else but boys? --------------------- |
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