will you respect me in the morning... |
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- Friday, June 18 2004, 3:03:10 (CEST) from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
Aprim is playing the scorned Tart of the night before...come next morning and he doesn`t find a triangle on his pillow after fucking like crazy all night...and now he too is a bitch scorned..who turns against the handsome man who took him home with promises of rights and respect only to let him go in the morning without a thing...so now Aprim, being Aprim, insists that the same United States that was his champion before, is now installing Extremist Islam in Iraq! And all because he got fucked relying on windy hints he read way too much into to. One can only hope Aprim will reform his loose ways and be more careful whom he goes to bed with in the future. In a back and forth at beth Ben has this startling addmission..another in the "The Earth Is FLAT!" category... Aramean: I agree with you. It is not the United States which is establishing and Islamic government in Iraq. In desperation it needs to go along with what the Sheites ayatola and the suni terrorists would prefer otherwise US will have to go to was agianst these elements and that would cause great blood shed which it does not want. Ben ...all those Islamic groups he mentions were there all along..and everyone warned that a war on Iraq and the resulting feeble and unpopular puppet government the United States would install, coupled with the abuse of prisoners and the murder of children, would give impetus to and strengthen extremist elements who could count on a dramatic rise in membership...and look at Iraq now..the poor bastards stepping forward and lining up to join the Americans are getting blown up..while the Clerics are quietly and SAFELY signing up more Freedom Fighters. It was in the cards all along..that Iraq would turn in this direction AND that the United States would pretend to be helpless..if the rest of you want to believe the United States made mistakes and doesn`t now know what to do to stop the increase in violence..I have a bridge I`d like to sell you. In any case...as Ben now realizes...extremism will only increase which will make it that much harder for Christians to feel safe...which also follows logically for after all it was Christians who brought this war to Iraq. BUT..what the boys won`t come out and say is that this was the plan and the strategy all along for they have absolutely no other way..no means..no POWER to do anything except long for and work for and pray for a sharp increase in violence towards Christians..for that will provide them their best chance and their one HOPE in which they still have FAITH...and that is that some Western Christian power will take PITY on them and put them in a cage for their own safety. If what Ben says is true, then the United States cannot afford to piss off the Islamic hardliners who will join with the rest of the Iraqi voters of all persuasions to keep the country whole and centrally administered...no one is going to give an inch to the same Christians whose co-religionists brought on this Terror. They knew it all along..they know it now...yet all they have of a National Agenda is a FAITH and a HOPE that America will take sufficient pity on them...and for that, a LOT of them are going to have to be killed..the more greusome the manner the better. From the standpoint of the boys the absolutely worse thing that could happen to their "dear" people is that they remain and make their peace with Iraq...and yes, risk becoming "ARABIZED". The boys would rather see them dead...more useful, don`t you know. --------------------- |
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