The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> wish come true...

wish come true...
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Sunday, June 27 2004, 23:52:16 (CEST)
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it appears the National Agenda is working...

Grenade attack on Church in Mosul

Posted By: George (
Date: Sunday, 27 June 2004, at 2:52 p.m.


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...The American lawyer just said whenever there`s an attack against an American, Muslims in America pay the price as well. How many Americans have been killed..that you could consider "innocent victims"? And how many were let go unharmed?

..And how many Assyrian children, many of them Christian, did America kill? A half a million?

...Now the boys will pretend shock and outrage, not to mention dismay and when they found out the majority of Iraqis were Muslims..and then found out that democracy means Majority Rule...and next found out that Muslims can be just as keen for revenge as Christians can..though you tell me when the last time was that a Muslim nation called the murder of 5000 children a month for 14 years an "acceptable policy" they`ll claim they never dreamed that if Christians killed thousands of Muslims..Muslims might kill a few Christians...where`s the massacre..where are those good old days when the Muslims were killing 40 million Christians? Gone, gone for good.

...They KNEW this would happen..they WANTED it to happen..and if there`s anything more they can do to get Christians and Muslims killed..they`ll be giddy with National Delight to do it.

...sadly Christians were killed or they`d be "crying with love".


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