you can`t keep saying... |
Posted by
- Tuesday, June 22 2004, 21:07:07 (CEST) from Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
...the hospital has an excellent policy and operating principles...never mind that 7 out of every 10 patients die...remember what they SAY the want to achieve. That argument goes only so far..about as far as when you get to the door of the hospital and see a chain saw above the entrance. The administration is going to have to admit at some point that no matter what they SAY they wish to achieve...the reality of what they actually do is such that the place cannot any longer receive government support...and in fact has to shut its doors immediately. That`s organized religion and they want to take over our ENTIRE health care system because they have the word "God" above the chainsaw...and they talk God all day...even as they wash the blood and guts from the operating room and haul another paient off in a body bag. At some have to hold the institution responsible. There wasn`t a single person born Christian who needed to be told over and over again that Jews killed gentle Jesus, because Jews are "just like that". And there isn`t a single kid born today who has to hear that Muslisms are all the same...all violent and all want to kill Christians because, "they are just like that". Do we really want to go down that road again? --------------------- |
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