The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> you`ve got to be pretty stupid

you`ve got to be pretty stupid
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Monday, June 21 2004, 21:34:55 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

to say things like this...

Written by Ashur on 21 Jun 2004 18:53:16:

From AINA: "On the morning of June 7th a civilian sedan containing four masked men drove into the Christian Assyrian Quarters (Hay Al-Athuryeen) of the Dora district of Baghdad, where the masked men opened fire on Assyrians on their way to work."

Those masked med are Tiglath's friends.


...would it then be safe to say then that the Americans who blinded Majdolin and killed her two children, one of them ripped from her womb as it lay sleeping...are this fellow`s friends?

This is exactly what we`re talking about. This kind of assinine revenge fantasy being played out in Iraq against ALL the people in which we send "friends" to kill our people is madness. No one has to stop it...both sides can go on forever..these people are not the peacemakers..that will be left up to the Assyrians.


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