The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Aramean sez....

Aramean sez....
Posted by beezelbub (Guest) - Tuesday, June 21 2005, 11:15:56 (CEST)
from - Network - Windows 98 - Internet Explorer
Website title:

..."While there are real Assyrian Moslims, one has to be careful when the Kurds and Turks make such claims because they do that with one intention to legitimize the Kurdish and Turkish take over of Assyria."

...and while there well may be Assyrian Christians one has also to be aware that this is being used by their church as a way to "take over Assyria". The truth is that NONE of them are Assyrians and there is no such thing as pure Assyrians...and there were no "pure" Assyrians 3000 years ago either. This purity bull is budding Fascism, as he rightly points out.

...The time when "Assyrian" meant a particular and ASSYRIAN religion is long gone....we have today people who converted to foreign religions NOT indigenous to BetNahrain..the boys merely claim that all their Christian crap MUST BE Assyrian and therefore PROOOOOVES they are indigenous (huh?)... and the ONLY kind of Assyrian THEY will allow...and they ALL ran out of BetNahrain because they were advocating sedition and no government on earth has ever or will ever tolerate that...that isn't "persecution"'s the LAW!!!


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