Ashur Bless Us... |
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- Thursday, March 24 2005, 1:43:50 (CET) from - Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
..and save us from the curses of yahwe...and his murdered son. The idea that Christianity saved Assyrians..or saved ANYBODY is one of the loonier tunes the boys play. Ashur made us what we were..and are. It wasn`t his fault most of us lost our wits and started gibbering. It was Ashur who inspired the Assyrians to build half of civilization. All yahwe has done for us is make us weak, blathering, whining beggars...pleading with this one and that one to come save us...and why not? What is the Messiah but Bush in disguise? Whom are the whinning Christians and the RIGHT Christians, putting their hopes in...Jesus? Hell the MARINES and guns and they always have. And in all their muddleheadness they point to modern Israel an example of how yahwe SAVED his "chosen" people them finally!!! And they yearn to be saved the same way. Christianity...European Christianity to be exact, didn`t SAVE the MURDERED the Jews and burned them and gassed them made pillows from their hair and lamshades from their skin and performed sodomy and "experiments" on Jewish children..and then sent the remnant back to Palestine to use as the disruptive agent in their NEXT Holocaust...against Islam this the meantime turning friends into enemies. Christianity has reduced the people of the Mideast to slobs...especially the ones who claim to be Assyrians. Christ has USED them..he has rendered them unfit for life on earth..."Follow me", he said..and these shmucks DID..right up to crucifixion..only THEN they came to their senses...realized that they aren`t gods, like Jesus was...that his martyrdom was a hoax but their`s would HURT...and they don`t really want to go the same way after all. And not only that..they want a COUNTRY and homes and rivers and mountains and OIL and money and more OIL and ambassadors and limousines and even more OIL, with flags flying and contracts...CONTRACTS..they want a whole hell of a lot of contracts to rebuild Iraq...that`s why every "Assyrian" leader is an engineer..out of work...or some businessman with grand designs for his own personal wealth...American knows human toliet paper by knows just what to dangle in front of whom..and it knows how to flush. Ashur MADE the Assyrians what they were...and he`s waiting for them to catch up. --------------------- |
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