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=> Council on Foreign Relations

Council on Foreign Relations
Posted by Jesus on Dope (Guest) - Thursday, November 11 2004, 0:03:22 (CET)
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Council on Foreign Relations

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is a think tank which describes itself as "dedicated to increasing America's understanding of the world and contributing ideas to U.S. foreign policy. The Council accomplishes this mainly by promoting constructive, closed debates and discussions, clarifying world issues, and publishing Foreign Affairs."

It began in 1921 and is one of the most powerful private organizations with influence on U.S. foreign policy. It has about 4,000 members, including former national security officers, professors, former CIA members, elected politicians, and media figures.

Though the council is not a formal institution within US policy making, there are several conspiracy theories surrounding the CFR. Some say that it is in fact a front for the secretive round table groups like the Illuminati.

Board of Directors

Peter G. Peterson, Chairman
Carla Anderson Hills, Vice Chairman
William J. McDonough, Vice Chairman
David Rockefeller, Honorary Chairman
Maurice R. Greenberg, Honorary Vice Chairman

Peter G. Peterson, Chairman of the Board

Carla Anderson Hills, Vice Chairman of the Board

William J. McDonough, Vice Chairman of the Board

Leslie H. Gelb, President

Michael P. Peters, Executive Vice President, CEO, and Director of Studies

David Kellogg, Senior Vice President, Corporate Affairs, and Publisher

Janice L. Murray, Senior Vice President and Treasurer

Irina Faskianos, Vice President, National and Outreach Programs

Elise Carlson Lewis, Vice President, Membership and Fellowship Affairs

Abraham Lowenthal, Vice President

Anne R. Luzzatto, Vice President, Meetings

Robert C. Orr, Vice President; Director, Washington Program

Lisa Shields, Vice President, Communications

Lilita Gusts, Secretary of the Corporation

Current Directors

Fouad Ajami
Jeffrey Bewkes
Henry Bienen
Lee Cullum
John Mark Deutch
Kenneth Duberstein
Margaret Peggy Rockefeller Dulany
Jessica Einhorn
Martin Feldstein
Leslie H. Gelb ex officio
Louis V. Gerstner, Jr.
Richard Charles Albert Holbrooke
Robert D. Hormats
Bette Bao Lord
Vincent A. Mai
George J. Mitchell
Michael H. Moskow
Ronald L. Olson
Thomas R. Pickering
Robert E. Rubin
Warren Bruce Rudman
Theodore Sorensen
George Soros
Joan Edelman Spero
Laura D'Andrea Tyson
Garrick Utley
Vin Weber
Andrew Jackson Young, Jr.
Joseph S. Nye Jr.
Fareed Zakaria
Directors Emeriti

Charles McC. Mathias, Jr.
Robert A. Scalapino
Other well-known members

Joe Klein
Adam Michnik
Richard V. Allen, former National Security Advisor
External links
Council of Foreign Relations website (
Focus on the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) (
long list of members (


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