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- Sunday, February 6 2005, 14:46:34 (CET) from - dsl-201-128-228-254.prod-infinitum.com.mx Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
...fresh from having broken every international and civil and decent Law in the universe..after murdering thousands and hundreds of thousands of innocent children and their parents and trashing what they couldnīt buy or steal in Iraq...the United States is exporting Freedom and Democracy and Liberty too to the rest of lucky the world...why didnīt the Nazis think of that? All they vowed to do was murder people...had they tried a little harder to be inventive they could have set them at LIberty and brought them freedom and equality in the grave too. A missed opportunity if there ever was one. Donīt just murder people for your own benefit...do it as a favor to them. --------------------- |
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