From Beth... |
Posted by
- Tuesday, June 21 2005, 6:47:02 (CEST) from - Commercial - Windows XP - Mozilla Website: Website title: | guy.... you just got your ass served to you on Beth. Read below. Re: New Article entitled, "Assyria Revisited" Beth Suryoyo Assyrian (Othuroyo) Forum Written by FYI on 21 Jun 2005 05:45:44: As an answer to: New Article entitled, "Assyria Revisited" written by on 21 Jun 2005 04:44:21: >Please visit for our new article entitled, "Assyria Revisited". The inconspicuous observer who calls himself "The Reader", strikes again. I think he left some of you out last time. Check it out! Sh***an gave his commentary two thumbs up. Do you only hate and insult people who are very proAssyrian and either ignore or kiss up to the Chaldean Assyrians who hate the Assyrian Assyrians? Is that what this little ongoing commentary is about? Are you just couching putting individuals down with an agenda to undermine Assyrian nationalism? Are you one of those Chaldeans who hates people from the Assyrian Church but considers himself Assyrian, but has a psychotic hate of Assyrians from the Assyrian Church, so only puts down anyone that is Assyrian and not from the Chaldean Church? If you put your opinions of people out there like that, if you had any integrity and any courage, you would tell us about yourself or at least tell us what names you have posted under and what you have done. But alas, you are a sniveling coward with nothing better to do than put others down for sick entertainment because you have no life and no accomplishments of your own. From your opinions, you have no ideas nor opinions of your own and are just echoing people who hate Assyrian Christians on that other forum, so you are not giving a balanced view of what they have posted but rather just pancho's twisted views of selected posts that he highlights on his forum. I notice you left out posters there and here that are very vocal. I guess you only want to give opinions on people that suit your purpose. I really think you should tell us what your opinions are on issues or give commentary on people's views of issues, rather than personal character attacks which is all you and your master pancho seem to be capable of. Get a life, loser!!!! ********************* Jeff's Comment: Wow. I read this, and loved it. ********************* beezelbub wrote: > wrote: >>removed from AINA...those bastards. > >...I used to get pissed at them too for their atrocious behavior...but they are doing us a favor and stripping the mask from themselves...can anyone really believe these people want to run a country...or believe any of the things they TALK a lot about? >> >>Posted on Aina: >> >>Please visit for our new article entitled, "Assyria Revisited". The inconspicuous observer who calls himself "The Reader", strikes again. I think he left some of you out last time. Check it out! P.B.B. gave his commentary two thumbs up. --------------------- |
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