The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> I beg to differ...

I beg to differ...
Posted by Jeff (Guest) - Saturday, June 18 2005, 17:15:50 (CEST)
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America is beyond impeachment now. The media presents a clusterfuck to mindless viewers who care more about non-reality-"reality"-television than governance.

Nothing will come of this memo in the short term. Maybe in 20 years...30 years...?

Hell, even with the Golf of Tonkin lie in Vietnam, I still know people who think that the war was necessary because of the "domino" communist effect, which has been debunked time and time again.

It's over...and there's no turning back.

I can't but help to think that if our fucked up community would have been galvanized before the FIRST Iraq war, and had weekly or monthly public protests in the cities where we live, that we might have swayed public opinion enough to prevent the first genocide/travesty from happening, not to mention the second slaughter. But then again I give us too much credit. We aren't whoothayee.

beezlebub wrote:
>...we knew they were lying about Iraq all there is solid documentary evidence..of course they poo-poo it...that's to be expected...but the Democrats seem finally to be galzanized and a grass roots movement among the families who had their own children murdered by this president are stepping up pressure for some real answers for a change...this one is not going to be that easy to dodge...Bush can be impeached....with far more Constitutional authority and legal justification than they ever had against Clinton whose peckerdillos were personal matters...but Bush has sent hundreds of young Americans to their death and made murderers of us all based on lies and nothing but lies...Saddam and Iraq were NEVER a threat to the United States, but this stupid, illegal and criminal CHRISTIAN war has placed America in REAL jeopardy and for some time to come.
>Come and get it, KenFuck.


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