The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Jesus

Posted by Jeff (Guest) - Friday, June 3 2005, 8:02:59 (CEST)
from - Commercial - Windows XP - Mozilla
Website title:

My GOD Tiglath...

How expertly you deal with these people! So clear, so transparent, and so logical, sane, and truthful.

My respect for you continues to grow by leaps and bounds.

- Jeff

Tiglath wrote:
>Dear Carlo,
>Cant we meet with him and talk with him?
>........You sure can. I'm in Melbourne, Australia and my cell number is +61421 353 253. When you get to Melbourne give me a call I'd love to meet with you face to face.
>We need everybody - we can disagree but we need to all to work together?
>Where is he?
>I will go and see him.
>......I'm looking forward to it. Please bring your eight Japanese books you've published with you.
>----- Original Message -----
>Sent: 2005年6月3日 0:15
>Subject: RE: [assyrianactivists] Adden-dumb
>Dear Ken:
>Plesae don't waist your time with David. He is not going to change.
>......As for you Carlo from the AUA, what else did I expect from you? You're a member of the same AUA whose committee boasts Fawzi Hariri, a known member of the KDP. The same AUA that brags about Bet Kolia in Iran, who everyone knows is a member of the Iranian secret police. The same AUA who - until my article - bragged about Suzy David, a known criminal accomplice of Karl Suleman. The same AUA whose leader John Nimrod blocked the installation of the Shamiram statue in Chicago.
>......Judging by your track record you are the last person to determine what is right or wrong for our people.


The full topic:

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