The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Ken Joseph appeals to Wilfred Alkhas

Ken Joseph appeals to Wilfred Alkhas
Posted by Tiglath (Guest) - Saturday, June 4 2005, 19:31:23 (CEST)
from - Australia - Windows 2000 - Internet Explorer
Website title:

Dear Wilfred,

Do you remember the article I sent you last year about Ken Joseph? (See link to article below.)

You know the one linking him to the Moonies, the Washington Post and implying that he may have links to the CIA?

You advised me to monitor this guy and see what his intentions are.

I can finally report back to you that Ken is following in the same footsteps as Wigram during WW1. Wigram as you all know was a spy sent by the British Scotland yard who prtended he was a priest and set about manipulating and convincing our gullible people in WW1 that following the British was actually good for our people. Well 750,000 dead Assyrians later, including my grandfathers we found out that the British had no intention of getting us a homeland. Our people were used as cannon fodder to aid the British in carving up the Ottoman Empire and securing Iraq's oil fields.

Today the Americans appear to be doing the very same thing. They've sent Ken Jospeh whose job is to monitor our people and ensure that we continue to provide support to the American administration for this illegal war and occupation against the sovereign nation of Iraq.

It's a shame you've joined this converation late because there are numerous logical and straight forward questions that Ken has been dodging for the past week that I have still not had answered.

A few of these questions are listed below.

Anyway I intend to do an article about Ken Joseph in Zinda for next week telling our people about how the CIA may be using fake priests to manipulate our people into initiating a civil war that will of course get our people killed and be used as a pretext by the American army to stay in Iraq and liberate Iraq's oil.

I will send you the article shortly.



----Original Message Follows----
From: "Shiro Amakusa" <>
To: "David Chibo" <>
CC: "wilfred"

Dear Ken,

Dear David,

Everybody tells me I shouldnft talk to you, but I disagree as I feel very
strongly that we all need each other. The Assyrian tendency is to shut up
anyone who has an opinion or is out of the mainstream.

.....Then why did you onyl send this message to Wilfred and only me and leave out the rest of the Assyrian activists on this mailing list?

We need people of all abilities, views and ideologies, in particular in
Baghdad where there are so few people.

.....What we don't need is the CIA inciting a religous war in order to stay in Iraq and secure its oil.

That is why I let you say whatever you want on the site that I set up. We
need that. The regular Assyrian sites take someone off as soon as they say
something not in the norm.

......I only wish you were that open with the numerous questions I've asked of you.

That is why I talk to you as I see in you a person who has a lot of gifts
and so much to give to the cause. At the same time I donft understand what
you want me to do?

I am always happy to answer all your questions but I donft know why you
would purposely want to harm me by putting my face up on Arabic sites.
Please donft do that, ok? I was just about killed twice and it was very

.....Well now you know what repercussions your actions have in Iraq or don't you think your out of contextx quotes about Islam and your Assyrian Christian sites will polarise iraqi society and create tensions that will one day lead to the deaths of our people in Iraq?

If you had written books and they were in Japanese then you would've sent me
the link in Japanese already. As clearly stated on numerous occasions my job
is to pass this link onto my Japanese friend for translation not to look up
something that obviously does not exist.

David, donft doubt someone from the beginning. My point is very simple,
David. I write in Japanese. With the exception of one column all my columns,
books, programs are all in Japanese where I live.

......I'll make it simple for you. Just answer YES or NO.

.......1. Did you write 8 Japanese books? YES/NO

.......2. If Yes are they available on's Japanese site? YES/NO

.......3. Is there any review or homepage in English, Japanese or Swahili that mentions you and your books? YES/NO

........4. Can you send me just one of these links in any language that I can verify your claim that you are a Japanese author of eight books? YES/NO

Just ask your friend to put my name in Amazon Japan in Japanese. Please donft say `if you had written books`. That is not fair, right? I just finished
my latest book in Japanese which is a wonderful story about how the
Assyrians came across the Silk Road to Asia and brought Medicine, Democracy
and so much of what is good in Asia. Of course it is in Japanese.

Your lack of response to clear and concise questions put forward to you is
response enough.

David, I have answered every question you have asked and more than happy to.
I admire you as a writer. We all need each other.

I intend to be publishing an article about you in Zinda next week please
give me you side of the story for the following questions.

1. Who funds your trips to Iraq?

We brought the first relief convoy into Iraq following the war. All the
supplies were donated by people in Jordan. The telephones donated by the
telephone company, the truck by a Truck Company in Amman, the medicine from
Amman, the water from a Water Company in Iraq and the team that went in were
all young people who had paid their way to come from Japan to help Iraq.

.......Where are you getting these funds to fly around the world?

........Why did we not hear about you and your Assyrainism until the war was starting?

We brought in ten satellite telephones and set them up in Baghdad and the
North for people to make three minute calls. The water was all distributed
in Baghdad and we brought in about 500 letters from Iraqis in Jordan and
delivered them all to the families in Baghdad and the North.

I raise the funds myself from friends in Japan before I leave.

2. Are you really a member of the Church of the East as I intend to ask mar

David, I know Mar Dinkha well. My father preached at his Church in Tehran
many times. I am a member of the Brethren Church.

........No you've mentioned on numerous occassions that you are with the Assyrian Church of the East. Since when have you been a member of the Brethren Church? You're slipping.

3. Are your goals in Iraq to incite a religious war between the Christian
Assyrians and the Muslim Iraqis?

David, that is not the kind of question you as a Journalist should ask. Of
course not.

.........Then why were you using manipulated infidel quotes from the Koran claiming you took them from Islamic scholars?

4. Will the realization of a civil war, in which the Assyrian Christian
minority, give the US government the pretext to stay in Iraq past their
mandate further securing Iraq's vast oil reserves?

I have no idea, David. My father hurt his leg so I took his place in going
to Iraq as he did for years and got caught up in this all. That is all. Donft make more of something than it is.

By the way your photo and the article will also be posted on all the Sunni
sites so that they don't think that our people are in any way associated
with you or your bosses.

Why would you do that, David? I donft understand why you would do something
that would directly affect my life. I donft understand your motivation for
such a thing.

.....My motivation is to ensure that you do not do anything that will dirctly affect the lives of our people in Iraq. Period.

The only `bosses` I have are my Church. I donft understand. Why would you
put my life at risk, David? Even our enemies never do that. What article
are you talking about.
.....Another slip up. According to you our "enemies" are commanded to kill infidels which according to your dictionary means Christians.

Please do not do such a thing, ok? A Journalist would never do such a thing.
You should never write something that will directly harm the life of an
individual. We saw that in the Newsweek story this past week.

....It was YOU who misquoted the Koran. it was YOU who deceived our people into believing that these manipulated quotes were given to you by Islamic scholars. Any harm that comes will be by your own actions, not mine.

As for you Carlo you're either the most naive and gullible Assyrian leader
I've ever met or you and the AUA are also in league with this guy hoping to
get a piece of the action from his bosses.

Which is it?

I await both your responses.


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