The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Liquor Store Triangle...

Liquor Store Triangle...
Posted by pancho (Guest) - Saturday, March 19 2005, 15:34:08 (CET)
from - Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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Christians in Iraq who run liqour stores hold a monopoly on the Muslims owns one..or will any longer...therefore Christian liquor store owners are forming a group and demanding a protected triangle somewhere..or it can be in the shape of a strip mall too.

Liquor has been around since ancient Assyrian days and these Christian descendants of those ancient liquor vendors feel their indigenous right to sell liquor is being threatened and that a great vending culture is on its way out..therefore letters are being drafted to everybody complaining of this outrage and threat against a great nation and tradition of liquor selling.

I see little hope they`ll get a strip mall all their own...but go for it. Can`t be any worse than the church wanting its own mall.


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