Re: New Article entitled, "Assyria Revisited" |
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- Tuesday, June 21 2005, 7:12:44 (CEST) from - Network - Windows 98 - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: | wrote: >Please visit for our new article entitled, "Assyria Revisited". The inconspicuous observer who calls himself "The Reader", strikes again. I think he left some of you out last time. Check it out! Eunich gave his commentary two thumbs up. ..he's got some balls on him! ...regardless of the content, I mean whatever you think of his assessments...whether of you or of the situation in general, it is refreshing and most necessary to have such a voice and commentary...if nothing else than to show that someone out there is ALIVE! ...and the humor, insight but especially the quality and sophistication of the style and language skills lifts the standard higher...the boys have barbarous thoughts to go along with their reptilian language skills...this person can help present a more complex, varied and far richer image and reality of what "Assyrians" CAN other words, we need all the help we can and this is a pretty good hired hand. --------------------- |
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