The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Re: Chaldinians and Assyrians in Thailand and Greece

Re: Chaldinians and Assyrians in Thailand and Greece
Posted by Tiglath (Guest) - Monday, December 6 2004, 1:13:59 (CET)
from - Australia - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

And should they have the audacity to atempt to flee a country we are bombing into the Stone Age, sanctioning and raping, then our benevolant, freedom loving government will lock them up in detention centres.

Two years ago I was heavily involved with the Refugee Action Collective. I shaved my head and we conducted protests in Melbourne. I even managed to sneak a Federal MP into Marybnong Detention Centre to visit a ChladoAssyrian family so she could see first hand what was being done in our names.

I remember during one protest hearing the cries of refugees who had been locked up in their cells and how all of us in the crowd without thinking instinctly just grabbed the wire mesh fence and pushed it over like it was paper mache.

And just like the stolen generation of Aboriginal children stolen from their parents in violation of the UN defintiion of Genocide(i.e. forced removal of children constitutes Genocide.) there'll be sorry books signed by this government's descendants in the next generation apologising for the current treatment of refugees.


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