The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Re: Desperate to Leave Iraq

Re: Desperate to Leave Iraq
Posted by Jeff (Guest) - Wednesday, August 3 2005, 7:17:42 (CEST)
from - Commercial - Windows XP - Mozilla
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This is so depressing. But we have to hear and see it. Thank you for sharing!

- Jeff

Maggie wrote:
>I was in an Iraqi room last night on pal talk, speaking to Iraqis living in Baghdad.
>I was asking them questions about the situation in Iraq when all of a sudden everything came to a hault. I didn't know what was happening until I got messaged from several people inviting me to private rooms to speak.
>I joined several of them throughout the night, and asked them what happened?
>Every one of them told me, as much as they would like to tell us what's really going on in Iraq, they cannot speak freely in a public room. I was truly shocked. I thought DEMOCRACY had come to Iraq and now Iraqis, through "American liberation" were FINALLY free to speak up. Boy was I wrong! I was told there are several "spies" that go from room to room to gather infornmation on who is saying what and what images of the current Iraqi situation are being projected to the outside world. WOW!!! and I thought Saddam was a dictator.
>Everyone of these people told me in private, there is no water, no electricity in most neighborhoods in Iraq, and they are miserably dealing with the intense heat. This is more than two years after America LIBERATED Iraq and started REBUILDING Iraq. I asked them isn't the government doing anything to alleviate these problems? Every one of them told me that the new government has DONE NOTHING to ease their suffering. That Iraq is worse off than ever before. What used to take 15 minutes to drive, now takes an hour with traffic jams lined up the streets of Baghdad. If someone wants to go to Mosul, instead of a four-hour trip it now takes 12-16 hours. No medicine or emergency medical services. One man told me more than a thousand people a day are lined up at the Moodirat Al Jawaz, applying for papers to leave Iraq. There are no jobs, no salaries, no income coming in to most Iraqi households, and they are still living on government rations that Saddam provided to them during the sanctions, and it's the same after the war.
>Some of the young men told me they cannot attend college because of the chaotic environment. They sit at home all day, waiting for the new government to rescue them. They told me that a liter of gasoline used to cost 10 dinars, not it is 10,000 dinars!!! Can you imgagine petroleum costing the Iraqis that much when it is produced on their soil?
>Some of the young men said they can't even get married to their sweethearts because they have no jobs, no income, nothing to offer their future brides!!
>It struck me as odd that even in the new "democracy" Iraqis cannot speak freely. They cannot discuss their misery with the outside world. One gentleman told me that Iraqis are used to FEAR, and therefore there's not much they can do to overcome their condition.
>I was left with an image of millions of Iraqis held hostage in a BIG prison created by America, sitting in the dark, thirsty, fearful and hopeless, not knowing what's coming next, and whether or not they will even recognize the enemy if he were to walk in on them.
>And all this under the guise of Democracy.


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