The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Re: Eden Naby...they say.

Re: Eden Naby...they say.
Posted by Maggie (Guest) - Tuesday, July 12 2005, 2:09:10 (CEST)
from - Network - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

"...I agree. I have the same trouble with my three children when it comes to encouraging them NOT to run screaming in the night from "Assyria". These are children who grew up in a pluralistic society, who haven't an ounce of religion and are therefore very spiritual and accepting of human variety and genius...they watched in horror as "Assyrians" tried to arrest their father because he insisted on bringing the Shumirum Monument to Chicago over the protests of Nimrod."

I'm sorry your children had to see that. God, what kind of Assyrian are these people? Can you imagine doing that to another Assyrian? I'd rather die.

By the way, I must have understood your sarcasm in the beginning, because I'm getting the picture that you are an artist.


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