The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Re: Jesus

Re: Jesus
Posted by pancho (Guest) - Friday, June 3 2005, 13:50:22 (CEST)
from - Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

...judging by the baling wire and chewing gum these guys are held together with, I wonder what we`d see if they spilled their dark and secret agendas. We know they think we`re all too stupid to be trusted with their secret agendas and grand plans for their own advancement..for which they grudgingly concede they need YOUR SUPPORT!!! But they don`t come clean..because they`re dirty..they play dirty and they think dirty. Each of them has some hair up his arse about what HE is going to get out of this. They don`t actually think of anyone`s good but their own..where you see them sort of looking like they care is just PR...they need to come across as weepy eyed tender hearted nationalists when each of them has some overblown image he carries around inside of himself in a robe sitting on a throne...the rest of us know it`s just them in the morning on the toilet.


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