The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Re: Ken calls for wisdom

Re: Ken calls for wisdom
Posted by Tiglath (Guest) - Friday, June 3 2005, 5:51:40 (CEST)
from - Australia - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

Dear Carlo,
Cant we meet with him and talk with him?
........You sure can. I'm in Melbourne, Australia and my cell number is +61421 353 253. When you get to Melbourne give me a call I'd love to meet with you face to face.
We need everybody - we can disagree but we need to all to work together?
Where is he?
I will go and see him.
......I'm looking forward to it. Please bring your eight Japanese books you've published with you.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: 2005年6月3日 0:15
Subject: RE: [assyrianactivists] Adden-dumb

Dear Ken:

Plesae don't waist your time with David. He is not going to change.
......As for you Carlo from the AUA, what else did I expect from you? You're a member of the same AUA whose committee boasts Fawzi Hariri, a known member of the KDP. The same AUA that brags about Bet Kolia in Iran, who everyone knows is a member of the Iranian secret police. The same AUA who - until my article - bragged about Suzy David, a known criminal accomplice of Karl Suleman. The same AUA whose leader John Nimrod blocked the installation of the Shamiram statue in Chicago.
......Judging by your track record you are the last person to determine what is right or wrong for our people.



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