The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Re: Know Thyself?

Re: Know Thyself?
Posted by Dalale (Guest) - Friday, June 24 2005, 23:41:39 (CEST)
from - Canada - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

".....National unity, if it is to mean anything in the deeply personal sense, must be founded on confidence in one's own individual identity; out of this can grow respect for that of others and a willingess to share ideas, attitudes and assumptions."

...okay, I'll play. Can a Jew who says he's found a better god in Buddha, or Mugwhump, claim to be a BETTER Jew?

****If the newly acquired "god"...Buddha,and or Mugwhump has brought the Jew closer to the essence of understanding his own self, then the newfound "god" is in a sense better then his original "god", and has made him a more whole human. The two "god" may be equally "good", but one had a "better" map towards the self, which was easier for that individual to read.

****If the original "god" only wants to steal your identity, and mould you into some kind of image, which has nothing to do with your essence, then that "god" will eventually destroy your soul. You wont be able to think, feel, reason etc. Get rid of him and find one that leads YOU to the YOU of YOU.


The full topic:

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