The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Re: Latest from Zinda

Re: Latest from Zinda
Posted by Tiglath (Guest) - Saturday, June 11 2005, 17:44:44 (CEST)
from - Australia - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

Are u serious about this or is this some kind of joke?

>>> I'm serious about this not being a joke.

If they are responsible for these deaths then why on earth would they want to help them, does it make sense to kill a group people and then help the same people?

>>> Well according to the Hague Convention the occupying power is responsible for the stability and safety of the occupied civilians under its care. There has been a clear policy by the occupying power, the US, and hence UK and Australia, to destabilise and even promote civil war within Iraq. This has been done to not only justify its continued occupation but to extend their mandate as long as possible.
>>> This destabilising policy was apparent in the following US policies:
a. The sacking of the entire army/police force during the first week of the war.
b. The securing of the Oil Ministry while Iraq's cultural and goveernmental centres where looted and burnt.
c. The removal of any credible border guards from Iraq's borders.
d. Bush's challenege to all Islamic fundamentalists to "bring 'em on."
e. A secret policy to arrest then abuse as many Iraqis as possible, most of them innocent, in the hope that they will support the insurgents upon release.

****Mr Chibo suggested the [Australian] government needed to remove its troops from Iraq and provide economic assistance to rebuild Iraq's infrastructure.

Why do u think the aussie troops are in iraq, they are there to protect the people rebuilding iraqs infrastructure. The role of the ADF in iraq is to protect the japanese engineers rebuilding iraq.

>>> Yes they've been promising to rebuild Iraq for the past 2 years. Yet surprise, surprise, there are still electricity blackouts, water shortages and people have to line up for hours at a time for gasoline!

Iraq is in anarchy now and there are kinappings going on by all kinds of ppl and anyone that is going to assist in rebuilding iraq will only go if they have proper security.

>>> Iraq is in anarchy because that is the overall agenda of the corporate-hijacked US government. They've had two years and infant mortality rates are actually worse now that sanctions have been removed under the Americans than they were during sanctions, mind you, under Saddam.

Yeah sure iraq wouldnt be in this state if american didnt go in and turn in upside down. But it has happened and Australia is there helping rebuild iraq.

>>> Australia is there because our Liberal party goverenment threw all morales and humn rights out the window, violated international law and joined the America because they were guaranteed the US-Australian Free Trade Agreement (FTA). You see the Liberal party's election campaigns are supported by big Australian businesses, the same businesses that stand to make billions in profits under the FTA. In order to secure their corporate support the big businesses pressured the government to do anything it could to secure them the FTA. Australia's workers on the other hand are going to be the ones who suffer of course.

Im sure u are aware that Australia has a very small Defence Force which is used for its own protection incase an attack does befall us and this protection will only be sufficient until our allies come to our aid. The main role of the Australian Defence Force is to assist in relief missions such as protecting the engineers rebuilding iraq.

>>> Australia does not have a defense force. It has an Attack force. Another misconception that should be addressed is their hijackng of the word digger. As you know the word digger comes from the Eureka Stockade incident in which miners rebelled against British rule and taxes and defended themselves at the Eureka Stockade. These original diggers bravely fought the redcoats and defended their sovereignty against the British much like the Iraqi insurgents are doing now. The current Austalian attack force would be an insult to these original diggers.

****He also suggested that Chaldo-Assyrian refugees who had fled Iraq as a result of the [Australian] Government's actions should be granted special status.

Now this is pretty funny. The majority of Chaldo-Assyrian refugees which have come to australia have been involved in some kind of criminal activity. Yeah we have some real good Chaldo-Assyrians who work hard for the country that has taken them in and sheltered them and given them refugee. However, the majority are still involved in crime or gang warfare while the rest just sit back with 8 kids and claim their centerlink money. I cant beleive u expect the Australian Government to grant the Chaldo-Assyrians special status.

>>> The majority have come from a country that has endured 12 years of sanctions, two major wars and years in a refugee camp. Yet even this majority have settled down and making positive contributions to our country. My point was that since Australia is, according to international law, directlyresponsible for the war and the creation of refugees, then common snese dictates that they should care for the orphans and widows that flee as a result of their criminal actions.

well everyone is allowed their opinion, after all this is australia and even ridiculous requests are considered.

>>> My opinion is actuallyyour opinion. I spoke for the majority of the Chaldo-Assyrians in Australia when I presented that motion to the Australian Parliament, just as I spoke for the majority of Chaldo-Assyrians in Australia during my interview with this newspaper. You and the other Chaldo-Assyrian do what you armchair quarterbacks do best.

P.S. Can I get you some cheese with your whine?


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