The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Re: Publish or perish....

Re: Publish or perish....
Posted by beezelbub (Guest) - Saturday, June 25 2005, 16:21:56 (CEST)
from - Network - Windows 98 - Internet Explorer
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Tiglath wrote:
>Dear All,
>Please pray for our new book that hit bookstores in Japan on June 24. The English Book will be out in November.
>Thank you.
>Here is theAmazon link:
>.....Hehehehe....I can't believe you had your crew go out and write a book in the weeks since I exposed you. This would then be your ninth book, correct?
>Now how about showing me the links to the other eight books that have already been published AND they have to have been published before June, 2006.
>...Come on Ken I challenge you to show me the other links as well as providing a list of the the so-called Islamic scholars that claimed that the word infidel refers to Christians in the Koran.

...I can't believe he has such a low opinion of his "dear people" that he would do something THIS stupid. You're making him earn his money that's for sure. When last we heard he was JUST finishing his eigth book...and as you say, what with being dragged out of cars and carrying water he's managed to write a NINTH book. Now the boys will say you MOCK a guy who works hard and is a writer too!

...And I know what kind of "book" it you could write in your sleep...a patchwork of homilies and vaccuous Christian drivel he could have stitched together in three hours by merely going through and selecting passages from a ton of other such books...and, of course, it was self-published.

...It's call him on his eight books...he tells you to check Amazon figuring you never say you can't find them anywhere...oops. So next he tells you you forgot that he writes in JAPANESE (and I don't believe he speaks or writes the language)...then YOU tell him Amazon doesn't list foreign language books...oops again. Several weeks go by during which he's showering you with god's love...but can't produce any of his eight books...he gets others to write, slamming you for doubting such a holy rat...but he still doesn't send you any books....and now, rather than send you any of the books he's supposedly written, he comes out with a NINTH book it is!!!

AND...this one comes out in English...apparently the first time he thought of such a thing!!!

..this STILL begs the question you originally put to him...where are all those eight books already written? He's only confirmed your every doubt.


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