The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Re: Suggested Philosphy

Re: Suggested Philosphy
Posted by Wonderer (Guest) - Friday, March 11 2005, 6:59:17 (CET)
from - Canada - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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From the Nicene age onwards the Church was steadily organizing itself on lines similar to those already employed in the civil administration of the empire, though the areas of provinces, dioceses, and eparchies was not in all cases identical with those of the civil structure. Thus organized as a kind of replica of the Roman Empire it very efficiently and thoroughly assimilated the Christian communities, not only of Mesopotamia but also of Persia, to Hellenistic standards.

>>> The above statement is the author's opinion and it's not all true,because even though the Church in Mesopotamia organized its hirarchy but it never followed the lines neither of the roman catholic nor the greek orthodox hellenic model.

The Church of Mesopotamia also known at times as the Church of Persia,kept its own organization and remained un influenced,on the other hand sister Churches such as the syrian(syriac)Church borrowed such terms as Orthodox and titles as well as phrases which remain till today a part of its hirarchy and liturgy.


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