The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Re: The girl they fear and for good reasons :) hhh

Re: The girl they fear and for good reasons :) hhh
Posted by Dalale (Guest) - Wednesday, July 27 2005, 1:15:04 (CEST)
from - Canada - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

hhhhh Everyone who sees this picture says that to me. Well.. I love my chikale... I like to be simple, not try too hard, have never taken a professional picture in my life, not into fakeness, or materialism. A Spiritual revolutionary .....believe me...appealing to the souls of the children of Mesopotamia. Trying to give them an example. Showing them that to be rich in spirit and build themselves is more important then to be build castles and empires while they are empty, and which mean nothing, wanting them to find themselves and their souls, and not be melted by that pot which steals identities.


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