The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Re: Tiglath, Jeff and Kris...

Re: Tiglath, Jeff and Kris...
Posted by pancho (Guest) - Sunday, June 5 2005, 2:47:59 (CEST)
from - Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

Dalale wrote:
>..and there are groups of Muslims, Jews, and Christians who are already trying to find a way towards peace. Visit: <> these are the groups I personally would want to work with in the future. (I'm completing a degree in International Relations.)

...we`re going to have get as pro-active and in your face as Christians have been...just working nobly and gently won`t least some of us need to be bastards to match the sons of bitches on the other side.
>Check out the video at this website My favourite part of the video is the little girl which says, "Le yakun beiti beit sala, LE KUL EL UMAM." Watch her..she's great.
>Good day.


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