The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Re: let`s cut the crap...

Re: let`s cut the crap...
Posted by Ado (Guest) - Friday, June 3 2005, 17:26:28 (CEST)
from - Commercial - Windows 95 - Internet Explorer
Website title:

>>Would she be called a Priestess?

>...only by her lover.

HOW abooot High Priestess?

>>If "allowed" to marry would her husband be required to wear a yalikhta over his head in church?

>...he wouldn`t be allowed in...damned for corrupting a member of the chutrch body...or the body of the church..or a member from the get the picture.

THERE'S a picture?

>>Let's see you answer these questions, hmmmm. Way too many issues here. This will never happen.

>...they said that about airplanes.

YEAH, that Ford guy was a genius.

>>And anutter ting Dalale, do people always ask you if you are “B’noshakh Hoy Jareh”? Like under dat bridge? She was tied up and left there by her in-laws, la?
>...I wish you`d keep in mind whom you are undressing.

I can't get the song outta my head now, great tune!


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