The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Re: let`s cut the crap...

Re: let`s cut the crap...
Posted by Ado (Guest) - Saturday, June 4 2005, 19:23:07 (CEST)
from - Network - Windows XP - Netscape
Website title:

@@@@ I thought you listened to the song? The old Dalale used to hold up the bridge for soldiers or whoever walked by.

@@@@ The "new and improved Dalale" is more picky, think Buffy!

I see. But, can't the new one be Uma Thurman in "The Bride"? Fix that bridge and guard it with your duel wielding samurai swords?

@@@@ I'm the last person you will ever hear had any kinds of operations. The girls in Canada are a different brand then the US kinds….. Luckily …I was born with green Sumerian eyes, and have always been called beautiful..... my soul that is.

I don't think I know of one person who had botox. Implants, yes. Botox, no.

@@@ Well we agree on something...who would have ever guessed??

Nah, I think we agree on more. That toof thing is something that just cracks me up, didn't mean it. That and ruining a very good post always tickles the jackass in me. I think you have a wonderful soul, just keep it away from the panch. HE EATS THEM!!!


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