The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Re: let`s cut the crap...

Re: let`s cut the crap...
Posted by Dalale (Guest) - Wednesday, June 1 2005, 21:45:26 (CEST)
from - Canada - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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Mr. Parhad,

A lot of what you say is true, from my point of view. I have no bias against you, and I respect your achievements. Although, there is another side to the story, and the story you tell. If you fairly told both sides, you would beat out all those who claim that you are the ultimate "enemy". I don't mean to criticize you, I’m no critic by any means, but you do lean very much to one side at times. Then again, so do most people.

Of course you know that Assyrians were also converted to Islam by force, as the "Christians" forced Christianity on the Native people when the old world met the new World.

It is a miracle that we have survived, even as Assyrian Christians. True, we are somewhat lost, but at least we are trying to find our ancient identity once again. (I can only speak for myself) The Coptic Church inherited and amalgamated much of the ancient Egyptian traditions when they became Christians, so the Assyrians also kept some of their Assyrian traditions through Christianity. I’m not saying that all Assyrians are Christian, and that all Christians are Assyrians either. We have lost our true identity as a Nation, but I believe there are individuals who have found a balance of both.

Did you know that some Jewish Scholars believe and claim that Christianity =Assyrian?

Back to Natives….I have personally always believed that the Native people, in their own religion, as many of the ancient religions, knew much more about the true spirit of Christianity. Some churches have become businesses, NGO's, and although there is a spiritual side also, they do not share with us the truth of our religion, because they cannot bear to tell the world that they lied to us. And yes they did lie, and keep many of the secrets to themselves because they do not want to share it with the “common man”. Check out Gnostic scriptures sometime. Jesus did not want to be portrayed as a weak, beaten down God, dieing on a cross, and through his death all sins would disappear, making us feel guilty about breathing….no that is not Jesus..and yes he even danced….and had a occult magical side to him…..and he would have looked more in his place on the winged disk, as Ashur, and Zoroaster etc....

Rome is the church of power. When they attacked the Natives, they didn't care about the true spirit of Christianity. All they hungered for was gold, and expanding the Christianity of Rome, as they did to us when they divided our Nation… a never-ending dilemma which has crippled and is crippling our Nation today.

No one sect of Christianity is the true Christianity, and I don't mean to criticize Roman Catholics who have truly embraced Christianity. I’m sure they have many true believers, but it doesn’t matter what sect of Christianity a person “belongs” to. It is up to the individual to live in a Christian way, or not, (freedom of choice, free will).

Many Iraqi-Muslims of today were probably once Akkadians, Sumerians, Babylonians, and maybe even Assyrians, but they were forced to, or have consciously left their ancient identity, and although I have met many of them who claim to be of these ancestries, the majority claim they are Arabs.

What is a Nationality anyway? Were the Jewish people not from Mesopotamia? Did they not leave their homeland, and establish a whole new identity?

Identity and Nationality is a complicated matter.

I wish you and your family well.



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