The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Re: let`s cut the crap...

Re: let`s cut the crap...
Posted by pancho (Guest) - Thursday, June 2 2005, 1:54:50 (CEST)
from - Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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Dalale wrote:
>Mr. Parhad,
>A lot of what you say is true, from my point of view. I have no bias against you, and I respect your achievements. Although, there is another side to the story, and the story you tell. If you fairly told both sides, you would beat out all those who claim that you are the ultimate "enemy". I don't mean to criticize you, I’m no critic by any means, but you do lean very much to one side at times. Then again, so do most people.

...that`s indeed true...however, I "lean" to one side, as you say, because the ship is listing badly to the other side and will go under if we keep this up. I`m not interested in beating anybody out or being liked or being influential..that should be clear by now...
> Of course you know that Assyrians were also converted to Islam by force, as the "Christians" forced Christianity on the Native people when the old world met the new World.

...I don`t agree. That`s one of the church`s fables. No one of the three sisters from hell has EVER converted people forcibly EXCEPT Christianity. The earliest Hebrew converts to yahwe did indeed kill their own people, but Muslims did not, not for their god, but because their immediate neighbors tried to kill THEM..Muslims are told to respect the religions of the other two "People of the Book" which you Christians especially do witness the Jews Christianity killed and the Muslims it is attacking now, who never did a thing to Western Christians.

But they also live in a real world and when Christian neighbors of theirs have betrayed them for the promises of foreign co-religionists, Muslims get mightily anyone would. Muhammad did NOT tell them to turn any cheeks..if Christians of that region wished to live and practise their religion in peace, as they were doing UNTIL this recent Crusade...there was no problem...but, if they played fast and for instance by aligning themselves with foreign Christians, then they could expect Americans would punish any Americans who listened to a foreign power
>It is a miracle that we have survived, even as Assyrian Christians. you really call THIS survival?

True, we are somewhat lost, but at least we are trying to find our ancient identity once again.

...I see no evidence of that either...the ancient Assyrians have value to modern "Assyrians" ONLY for the "sacrifice" they made to Judaism..that`s it!

(I can only speak for myself) The Coptic Church inherited and amalgamated much of the ancient Egyptian traditions when they became Christians,

...what are you refering to as "Egyptian"? Many things in Egyptian paganism impressed Plato and he designed most of early Christianity.

so the Assyrians also kept some of their Assyrian traditions through Christianity. one. Name one that is NOT church tradition FIRST. And name one that ONLY Christian "Assyrians" practise.

I’m not saying that all Assyrians are Christian, and that all Christians are Assyrians either. We have lost our true identity as a Nation, but I believe there are individuals who have found a balance of both.

...of course..that may be. But if that is true, those individuals would lean to the side of the boat that is exclusively Assyrian with NO semblance of Christianity to it...Christians are in every wide spot in the road..they are crawling between heaven and earth like a plague..they are murdering people everywhere they can find the slightest excuse or none at all, excpe they WANT to..and just remember that there wouldn`t even BE any Christianity if NOT for murder..for that initial murder you all celebrate by eating the flesh and drinking the blood, for play and "make-believe", of your first and most innocent victim...Christianity is SAFE.....and doing very well and in no danger or need of any further stroking or is the REST of us, Assyrians included, who are in danger of being run over and into the ground by it...therefore let those who "feel" at all for the Assyrian Heritage for a change...and you can all start by throwing Nimrod out a window...anything above four storeys would do.
>Did you know that some Jewish Scholars believe and claim that Christianity =Assyrian?

...Jews can do what they want...everyone can rent a house by the sea and live happily ever after...for my part I know Christianity has reduced us to mush and is about to wipe us off the face of the earth...either as corpses or as terminal mush. My center of gravity and focus has NOTHUING to do with what Jews or their blood brothers the Christians have to say...I know when Ashur would be pleased and I know when he is saddened....where you all EVER got the idea that a Messiah or Deliverer was EVER any part of our heritage I can`t figure out. Christianity has made you all NEED one...that`s been its "gift" to you.
>Back to Natives….I have personally always believed that the Native people, in their own religion, as many of the ancient religions, knew much more about the true spirit of Christianity. Some churches have become businesses, NGO's, and although there is a spiritual side also, they do not share with us the truth of our religion, because they cannot bear to tell the world that they lied to us. And yes they did lie, and keep many of the secrets to themselves because they do not want to share it with the “common man”.

...Christianity was IMPOSED on people..their own values, spirituality, culture, legends, myths, rituals...the entire SOUP they and their ancestors were raised in and developed painstakingly since Time began for them was wiped out by the Christian armies who converted them...the rest of you, the Eastern ones, I`m not convinced aren`t just the first descendants of those earliest Jewish converts to Christianity. I don`t believe for a minute that there were millions and millions of you in pagan countries..that pagans who never heard of that minor cult, which is all it was in its day, threw away their magnificant civilizations at the MENTION of Jesus and his father..just don`t buy it...especially when all we have to go by is the word of that same dubious, lying, self-serving preisthood of scoundrels...

...and yet. where we DO have ample and unbiased the OTHER half of the world, we can SEE how people were murdered into Christianity...therefore logic alone, if nothing else, as well as some bare appreciation for human psychology, tells us that it is not possible that the same religion that people refused to surrender their ways, for unto one place...that being HALF of the the SAME religion we are to believe people LEAPT into in the OTHER part of the world...especially when you add that the people we know to have been murdered into it had not the vast and far richer cultures, than the ones we are expected to believe jumped into Jesus..leaving behind all the Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian and other high is a lie... and so improbable that, of course, you must take it on "faith" other words, render yourself stupid enough to believe just about anything.

...The Pagans the earliest Christians settled among TOLERATED you people because that was ever the pagan way in BetNahrain where ALL gods were welcome, tolerated and respected...because the ancients knew the gods of a People kept them whole and sane and together and able to contribute their best..and also kept them happy enough to accept the turns and twists of fate...enduring loss and hardship in hope of being restored by their gods one was in everyone`s interests to respect the other persopn`s gods because the next time around today`s master could be tomorrow`s slave...that Assyrian Golden Rule at work.

...But..being tolerated alone is not enough for pain-in-the-ass EVANGELICALS! Merely being allowed to worship PRIVATELY as they see fit, won`t do for those who believe it is their DUTY to bang on your door at midnight and tell you all about themselves. And that was at the core of any "persecution" you people brought on YOURSELVES. You were NEVER "massacreed"...for heavin`s sake...especially not for being "Assyrian". You were roundly hated at times..but that`s understandable and forgiveable..hell, you hate EACH OTHER!!!

..You can see how insular those people are still..what they do to a daughter or son who marries a foreigner..a non-Christian...or even a Christian who is not "Assyrian"..and that`s TODAY! For all those centuries and millenia you lived among Muslims and pagans intermarried like crazy...inbreeding your ways to an Aprim and Jassim...genetic dingbats if there ever were any...your numbers in the MidEast reflect exactly what would happen if 500 Jew converts to Christianity screwed only each other for 2000 years...that is all. It`s a lie that people from all over RAN and JUMPED into Jesus. For the love of all that is really holy, THINK sometimes!

Check out Gnostic scriptures sometime. Jesus did not want to be portrayed as a weak, beaten down God, dieing on a cross, and through his death all sins would disappear, making us feel guilty about breathing….no that is not Jesus..and yes he even danced….and had a occult magical side to him…..and he would have looked more in his place on the winged disk, as Ashur, and Zoroaster etc....

...a wonderful guy no doubt...he and I would have been great pals and would have laughed many a time over the antics of "Christians"...and I would have REFUSED point blank to "benefit from his willing sacrifice". But there was love and kindness and nobility and majesty and self-sacrifice and honesty and respect for elders and joy in children well BEFORE Jesus. Your ten commandments are nothing but Hammurabi`s Code, (garbled and chopped up, as those people never could do a damn thing right)....and most of all in BetNahrain, where the highest civilization of its day was gracing the landscape when Jesus wasn`t even thought is a great insult to tell us our ancestors were bloody savages who`s greatest act EVER was to realize they were mistaken all Ken Doll says Muslims told him THEY have been...and dumped Ashur for the "values" of Christianity...Christianity is NOT about love and kindness...I mean how much more do you have to see of it before that becomes OBVIOUS? It is certainly crystal clear to those at the other end of the barrel of Christian Love. All Christianity is, is the belief that if you accept Jesus being killed for can get his clothes..and his clothes will get you unbelievable goodies..that`s ALL! And, to join the HAVE to eat his flesh and drink his blood and feed this gore to your darling and trusting babies! And WE Assyrians were savages???!!!
>Rome is the church of power. When they attacked the Natives, they didn't care about the true spirit of Christianity. All they hungered for was gold, and expanding the Christianity of Rome, as they did to us when they divided our Nation… a never-ending dilemma which has crippled and is crippling our Nation today.

..the true spirit of Christianity IS IS theft! It is killing people if they refuse YOUR god...for no other reason BUT that! It is murderous intolerance...I can`t see why you keep looking for the good in something that`s had 2000 years to get it right...and HAS!!! Look at it. And yet, you have so little interest in anything Assyrian that is NOT primarily Christian first!

...had Christ been saved and spared his execution not a ONE of you could get your Heaven...what kind of an improvement is that over what the Assyrians had? The benefits of ritual human sacrifice..that`s ALL Hebrew religion was..and that`s at the core of Christianity..which is nothing more than a major sect of Judaism....where in Ashur`s name is there ANYTHING for an Assyrian in that? We come from a background that MADE a heaven on earth...only you had to be worthy of it yourself HERE...not up there soemwhere and not on the wings of a corpse...the belief in an afterlife is a consolation prize for Hebrews and those who have been MADE into is the belief that someone will conme someday to wipe your nose...something you haven`t the power to do yourself..because the Jews were powerless under the Roman yoke. What else COULD they have believed?
>No one sect of Christianity is the true Christianity, and I don't mean to criticize Roman Catholics who have truly embraced Christianity. I’m sure they have many true believers, but it doesn’t matter what sect of Christianity a person “belongs” to. It is up to the individual to live in a Christian way, or not, (freedom of choice, free will). in a Christian way is what got us is what led to the rounding up and murder of millions of totally innocent human beans..NOT 1000 years ago but 60 years ago...and it is today embarking on its next great mission...the murder of Islam where just as many people and children will be murdered..this is the real Christian way. You are like the shocked and horrified daughter, sent away to finishing school in Europe, who learns what the family business REALLY is..and tries to lead an exemplary personal atone for the famiglia and in hopes of cleaning up their are a daughter of a Mafia of the most deadly and viscious the world has ever happen to have been born into it though you don`t personally follow their practises...but honey, you help clear their name! You and all the rest of you "nice people" are JUST what the head Don`re the ones who can be counted on to explain away every crime and murder and asking for "understanding" or "forgiveness"...and pointing over to where your cousins stand..heads respectfully lowered, because they got caught...the guns and blood still dripping from their hands and ask for another chance for these wayward but dear fellows who are trying AWFULLY hard to be good...and it works every time and the hoods are let loose and they do it all over again..and again..and again..and just as if it was a PART of the entire family business, YOU appear again to plead for some respect and tolerance for your murderous crew. is an inspired partnership.
>Many Iraqi-Muslims of today were probably once Akkadians, Sumerians, Babylonians, and maybe even Assyrians, but they were forced to, or have consciously left their ancient identity, and although I have met many of them who claim to be of these ancestries, the majority claim they are Arabs.

...this is old stuff by now and means nothing to the point. They can say whatever they you people doesn`t make a BetBassoo out of a people place your everything on talk and names. Muslim Assyrians have 1,400 years of proud and magnificent history as MUSLIMS...the term "Arab" is something you throw around..or, it is the more recent attempt to form a united front to counter the united front of European Christianity..which is also many various groups..same as with "Arab". Arabs late as the early 1900s had no concept of an "Arab"...they knew of no such country...only of their tribal lands...this is getting old.
>What is a Nationality anyway? Were the Jewish people not from Mesopotamia? Did they not leave their homeland, and establish a whole new identity? are referring to a People who KEPT their miserable little god..while you are all THRILLED to have dumped your magnificent one..there is a world of difference.
>Identity and Nationality is a complicated matter.

...made uninteligible by Aprim and the rest of the nationalists.
>I wish you and your family well.

..thanks...same to you.
>Abbey in church?


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