The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Shushan wants to join....

Shushan wants to join....
Posted by beezelbub (Guest) - Saturday, June 25 2005, 16:45:25 (CEST)
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hey farid and kris


Beth Suryoyo Assyrian (Othuroyo) Forum


Written by Shushan on 25 Jun 2005 12:44:05:

As an answer to: Re: and to the reader and to written by Shushan on 25 Jun 2005 12:39:34:

the people running this forum that you are against, it turns out they are against me and for you... maybe I should join your side since that is the side they are protecting?

...beth is for "me"? This is news. I'm banned from writing there lest the bunnies get the fan know, the heroes of Assria. And now they are FOR me?

...we have no "side". This isn't a game of tag in the school yard. I'm on MY side...and everyone else is on THEIR side. If I happen to think of something that also interests someone else...fine...if not...also fine. I'm not here to win converts to anything...a convert is someone already weak-headed to begin with who merely follows another crowd..and then another. Switching sides is what these so-called Assyrians did when a Jew offered them eternal damnation...Abgar switched sides because he got the goods...had Jesus NOT been able to cure him, that rat would have remained "true" to Ashur...or gone after Mugwhump, if HE cured him. This is spiritual? This is a religion of opportunists, that's all. Look at them. to ole Sheesh...she's the worst kind of Christian but the best example of them too...under a smarmy surface all sorts of creepy things are hiding...she has great trouble controlling her demons...she may understand physics but she knows very little about herself...and instead of finding out, she plasters it all over with a layer of Jesus...about one micrometer thick. This veneer of "love" can be pierced easily and her uglies pop out here and there with great frequency on their own...she exhausts herself by running around herself with some spit and wire to patch things back together. Jesus runs about as deep on her as her sweat heart she is mean-spirited, vulgar, crude and deceitful. This has been the value of Jesus to these people...a thin covering over a whole lot of mess underneath...and if you point this out, you are MOCKing her and she just might take legal action. could have as easily posted here...we don't delete here...and the MOCKS never stopped for your running over to be with Jo, who is even MORE of a nut case than you are...maybe you wanted company? You're always welcome back here...I don't have to like you and you don't have to like me...if you have important things to say...say them freely. But don't try to disarm people with smarm...if you write as you please then you have to accept to be slammed as WE please. For a "scientist" you sure skipped over a lot.

So...come on back home...your straight jacket has been washed and pressed.


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