The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Syrian Boys...

Syrian Boys...
Posted by pancho (Guest) - Saturday, May 28 2005, 18:33:54 (CEST)
from - Mexico - Windows Me - Internet Explorer
Website title:

..itīs THEM again. The religious zealots who want to see their people "liberated"...the same wailings are starting over again only on behalf of the Syrian Christians...having jumped for joy at the thought of Christian nations attacking Iraq and killing everyone..the boys now turn their sights to Syria...where they claim all over again that "Assyrians" have no rights!

But this one sentence slipped out...

"The only thing is that in Syria you can go an pray in your church and no one will prevent you from that. That is as far as Assyrian rights go, it is nothing more than religious rights." times they cry for their religious rights....claim they are stopped from practsing their "Assyrian" religion...huh? At other times they arenīt interested in their religious rights but want their "national" rights...whatever those are. These are all excuses and games to cover their real intention...they see themselves as soldier of Christ and as pretty useless ones tyoo the best they can do is plead with someone else, in this case the United States, to go "fre" them...and later they too will wonder out loud, for public consumption, why things got worse for Christians in Syria too...this is what they WANT!

...anyway...thatīs because that is all you are...a religious sect and everyone knows that. You said it can go pray and no one will stop you. What else do you people do that is "Assyrian". Just what RIGHTS are you demanding of the Syrian government?

...seems to me you are nothing but religious fanatics who use Jesus as a way getting revenge or getting an advantage over someone...go to church and pray...the rest of time be a good citizen and let it go at that.


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