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=> Tiglath, Jeff and Kris...

Tiglath, Jeff and Kris...
Posted by pancho (Guest) - Saturday, June 4 2005, 17:55:01 (CEST)
from - Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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...The more I think of it the more I see one of the subtler tricks of this whole thing..and not just now either, with this Holocaust, but with the last one...I mean the sly way in which we have been manipulated and fallen for this MUSLIM as one thing business. We go along with it ourselves because of our own hesitation to slander our sainted grandmother`s Christianity.

I mean, of course, this way everyone has of refering to any and all members of Islam as "Muslims" and only that...never with any mention of which country or sect or subdivision...helping to promote the racist notion that there ARE no sainted Muslim grandmothers. We are helping to make the people of Islam into one monolithic force..which is exactly what this administration and the last Nazi one wanted.

For all the slamming of the brilliant film maker, Reni Reifenstal, for her aiding and abetting Hitler with her gung ho and excellently done documentaries...CNN, Fox and the rest of them are doing exactly the same thing..and oh yes, aina too. That famous film clip showing "typical Jews"...right out of Mel Gibson`s film...along with images of rats scurrying round no more despicable than the few clips showing hooded Muslim women, we assume...cheering at what we are to also ASSUME is some Christian defeat.

They are part and parcel of the same dehumanize those whom we wish to brutalize and murder, therefore somehow making it appear "okay" in our minds because after all, aren`t we just sweeping away so much vermin?

I know it comes hard to put "Christian" everywhere you see "United States" or "Italy"...but why do Christians get to make often specious distinctions between wrong and RIGHT and almost right Christians..while ALL Muslims are to be JUST terrorists and ALL Islam a "violent" religion..if we MUST head into another Holocaust let`s at least open our own eyes and see what`s coming..and how we may unconsciously be doing our matter how we dislike the idea...because we too are helping it along..even as we protest.

Our own boys go to great lengths to distinguish between east, west, north and south..between turyoyo and oromoyoy and suryoyo and bethnuryoyo and ainayoyos...often splitting hairs they haven`t even got..yet they too lump all of Islam into one gang of if only we deserve to be counted as human beans with as many variations and details and unique characteristics as we wish, while we make of the other side just THEM.

It wasn`t only the Nazi it isn`t Bush and Cheney alone..each gang needed the "good people"..they had to lie, fabricate, create, manipulate and finally attack their own Reichstag and Trade Towers to set the make people blind with fear and hatred...and get them aiming at ANY Jew or, today, Muslim.

Today`s Muslims are as innocent as the Jews were...had the Jews come to their senses earlier they would have done what the last few to remain in the Warsaw ghetto finally did..the ones who gathered whatever pistols they could find and improvised bombs and snares...leaving off their studies where they were no doubt brilliant students with so much to offer the world..and instead descended down into the sewers (but very different motives than the Nazi Christians ever expected) with their sisters and sweethearts, if they were still alive...banding together to fight unto the death to preserve human dignity...Muslims do NOT hate Jews, they would hate ANYONE who has been doing this to is the CHRISTIANS who hate them enough to hound them for 1000 years and just recently try to sweep them all away...Muslims were the ONLY friends Jews had...ever!

Yet Christians managed to pit them against each other..getting them to kille ach other as they got the Iraqis to kill Iranians and so on...and as they now have Iraqis killing each other...these people sit back and LAUGH, in private, at how "clever they are"...because we FALL for it EVERY time!!!

After decades of provocation and the most inhumane treatment, in violation of ALL law ever invented, the Christians who cooked the Jews set them down in the midst of Islam to use as a permanent destabilizing force and army of kapos...just like the Jews Christians found in the death camps to do their dirty work, their DIRTIEST work, for them.

The Nazi party was popular in the United States...the king of England, Charles Lindburgh and many other luminaries and NON-Germans, were all for what Hitler suggested and represented...they only went underground when he dragged their countries into war too...but in the beginning they LIKED what they heard and saw...and it wasn`t only the Germans..Italians, the French, Poles, Cezchs...Christians ALL OVER Europe cooperated with the Nazis and only pulled back when they went a little too far...but NEVER because of the death camps.

The Germans have the luxury today of claiming they or their parents were NEVER in accord with Hitler..even this Nazi pope gets a clean slate...they are allowed to say there were "good Germans"...meaning good Christians...who never went along.."well, but we had to". Yet ALL of Islam is being tarred by one ALL Jews were..and for the same make us COMFORTABLE when we hear they`re being killed. unpleasant as it is to tarnish your sainted mother`s religion..if you would SERVE the founder of that religion and not the church administrations and the politicians they will swallow hard and replace every mention of a Christian country`s name with just their religion...with just "Christian". Perhaps...just maybe, people will be forced to feel uncomfortable with the idea of CHRISTIANS doing what now only "some rogue" American soldiers did...or British soldiers who "went too far"..or those infamous "few rotten apples" that shouldn`t be used to judge the entire barrel...okay, I agree, BUT not so long as ALL Muslims are rotten apples...the reality of it is that this IS a religious war declared by Christianity, NOT Islam...are you NUTS???...against Muslim nations and theor children too...but they disguise that fact by making it appear to be strictly national, on their part...and ALL religious on the other side....when it`s exactly the other way around.

Let`s do our part to tone this thing down before we unwittingly help set up the next Christian Holocaust..of Muslims this time. Christians will yelp and yolp that we are being "unfair"..that we are overlooking all the GOOD Christians..and that is EXACTLY the point...if there ARE good Christians, they`ll step up and do something...reach out to all those millions of GOOD Muslims who never did a thing to them but only wanted peace and fair play and justice. It may get rough in the beginning..but it stands a far better liklihood of helping ease things in the long run..maybe some people will think a little of what we are facing this time around...again.

...In the end, it was the good Germans..the good Christians...who did the most harm...hurting themselves as much as they hurt anyone else. The Krupps, Porche, I.G. Farben and the Haliburtons are the only ones who do well.


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