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=> a tale of Nimrod...

a tale of Nimrod...
Posted by pancho (Guest) - Sunday, June 5 2005, 22:58:35 (CEST)
from - Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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...I have an older cousin who lives in fact, lives in the same upscale development as Nimrod does..a rather toney place on the northside. She was a college administrator for years and married a delightful Jewish gentleman some years back. There are apparently lots of Jews in this part of Chicago. Now, my cousin is the soul of probity and discretion, not the kind given to spreading or bandying about gossip...but a few years ago she just had to tell me a couple of things about Nimrod...who lives a street or two over.

Nimrod`s immediate neighbors are good friends of my cousin and her husband and this is the story they told her. They left their home for a vacation...drove to the airport where they eventually found out their flight had been cancelled but another would soon be available. When that flight too was cancelled they decided to return home and try the next day. All in all they`d been gone from their home about six hours...long enough for Senator General Secretary John Nimrod to expect they`d left Chicago.

What was their surprise when they returned home to find a garden hose running from their property to John`s swimming pool next door. It costs money to fill your swimming that can be better spent saving Christians in Iraq, or wherever...believing them to be gone for real...the Secretary Senator General of the Assyrian Universal Alliance had snuck over to their yard and attached his own hose.

My cousin didn`t elaborate on what trancspired between the people involved but I`m sure by the time he was done he`d convinced himself he was the next Lincoln, Abraham not Tamraz.

The other story I find a little harder to believe..but if you knew my cousin like I know her..and know Nimrod like I know him, it`s most likely true...besides which she saw it with her own eyes. They have a community center in their little development for parties and whatnot...there was a shindig one night to which the entire neighborhood turned out in their finest..except for John...oh, his shirt, tie and jacket were alright and his shoes were well shined and gleaming..all the more surprised were the company, therefore...which included my bemused cousin, to see that Nimrod had forgoten to put his pants on. he had his garters and all...but only his boxer shorts.

Those of us who are used to the usual kinds of leadershit we get won`t be surprised at all...the rest of you might not believe any of it...Nimrod included.

proverb: If a man be a fool he will undress himself.


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