The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> change of name for beth...

change of name for beth...
Posted by beezelbub (Guest) - Friday, June 24 2005, 9:12:26 (CEST)
from - Network - Windows 98 - Internet Explorer
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...the place is getting more and more like a daily Soap Opera, what with grairs having afairs with each other and Shushan chewing up the props and accordance with this new direction for the Assrian Nayshun I would like to propose some new name possibilities...I can't help but be influenced in this by years of laying on a couch, eating bon mots and watching TeeVee...

All My Shushans

One Shushan At A Time

One Shushan To Live

As Shushan Turns

And of course...To Kill A Mock. always there is no charge for this service.

And gentle can't drive an insane person insane...if you are indeed emotionally deranged, as even you admit, then you have no business on is not the world's responsibility to watch out for your emotional or mental health...or what is left of these articles...if your stock is running low then by all means put a cork in it before they all ooze out. Your problems are not OUR responsibility.

pss: you're beginning to remind me of "Cheetah of the Junglest" days!!!


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