The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> depending on how foolish you are...

depending on how foolish you are...
Posted by pancho (Guest) - Friday, June 3 2005, 22:30:55 (CEST)
from - Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

..there are anywhere from three to seven Assyrians in Iraq right now...that`s all there is. There are 3000 Muslims divided among Kurds, Shiia etc.

There is an awful big to-do going on about those three to seven..who each has his own party of one...joining together so they can "do something". They`re particularly anxious to be doing right now because Iraq recently got murdered into a democracy...and their understanding of a democracy is that it will give them most of what they want, but ONLY IF, they "come together and unite". At least that`s what they keep yelling at us.

Hence you have a lot of pushing and guy actually apologized for his bad grammar! That`s right...said he`d been blubbering so much over uniting that he couldn`t spull ret. What none of them want to discuss, for too long, is just where they got their ideas about democracies from...and what difference will it make if they all unite into a party of 10?

If you ask for an explanation you are all the usual things you never heard of before in your life..traitor, hater, mocker, socker, sucker, papist, rapist and, you fuck your mother and like it too. I don`t know about you but I tend to think someone has something to hide or desperately wishes to avoid confronting when they sidestep an issue, especially with THAT sort of fireworks...I mean answer the questions and THEN call my mother a whore. I don`t care...just ANSWER the questions! Obviously whores are what you know best..starting with Ken Doll...who has yet to explain what he did with Trigger...or was it Ginger? But ANSWER...otherwise we are liable to think you are afraid to.

Surely they know that united they pose no more threat or have nothing attractive to offer anyone...any more than they do split apart...I`m sure in their fuzzy heads they imagine themselves forming a "Block"..or maybe a "Stream" in that the Muslim parties are "forced" to make cooing offers in order to "swing" the "Assyrians" to their side...never happen.

United these people are useless...split apart they are only slightly less useless, I mean as what`s the use? Why all the focusing on something that, if it materialized, would make no difference to anything..except maybe get MORE Christians killed when those calling for this unity turn the names over to the State Department as "good friends of democracy". I have no doubt the boys are working BOTH sides of the street...that they`d like to present themselves to the Bush administration as able to wield numbers in be a "unifying" deliver the Christian community of Iraq COMPLETELY into American hands and at their mercy...and it wouldn`t take much to get a Simele going if things dragged too much...what do you think Ken Doll is doing over there...saving Muslims?


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