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Posted by pancho (Guest) - Saturday, May 28 2005, 3:58:46 (CEST)
from - Mexico - Windows Me - Internet Explorer
Website title: the interests of trying to focus on what this gentleman is trying to say, Iīve axed all extraneous matter...I wouldnīt dream of removing any of it though...itīs still there for whomever prefers it spicy...letīs see what the gist of all this is...

First off where and when did I say I was against any Muslim.

...thatīs pretty evident.

are you going to tell me these REGRESSIVE MUSLIMS CARRIED ON A CIVILIZATION, exico.

...granted the desert Arabs werenīt at a very advanced state of material development...all the more reason we should applaud them for recognizing a far more superior culture than their own and learning from it...instead of running to China barefoot. If youīll read something beside a manuscript and a toilet wall, youīll notice how many real historians point out that Islam had the most advanced civilization of its day...far superior to anything in Christian Europe...especially centered in Baghad...the Muslims of the Medieval Age were also known as the "Gentlemen of the Medieval world"...this is the assesment of European as well as American scholarship..there really is no doubting it.

You go and talk to a MEXICAN SPECIFICALLY a dark INDIAN looking one, and tell him his Aztec heritage he'll get pissed There may be some that accept it, but since most SPEAK SPANISH (SPANIARDIZED??whatever) thats what they recognize themselves as.

...I donīt understand your question...seems you left something out (maybe a cussord?)...just what can I expect to hear when I tell a Mexican, "...his Aztec heritage..."??? You stopped without saying what I was supposed to tell him about his Aztec Heritage. Let me see if I can help you out...the Native population resisted Christianity all they could...unfortunately Moctezuma believed, as his religion told him, that there would come great tall white gods...and before he could find out his mistake, he allowed the Europeans to gain a foothold...had any Natives landed in Spain or any othert Christian country, you know what would have happened to them.

...As I said, the native population tried with all their might to fight off Christianity...but in the end they were either all killed or cowed and subdued...and all their children were forbiden their old ways and forced to become good Christian children...but the darkest ones today, the ones who still look and act most like their ancestors are at the lowest end of the scale in everything.

...Iīm still not sure what you were getting at..maybe you could load up and try again?

IRAQ MUSLIMS of course are Assyrio Babylonian mixed with some element of Bedouin Arabs, we know this because not all Iraqi "ARABS" look like BEDOUINS. SAME APPLIES TO THEM, you mention Assyrian they will squirm and get annoyed, do I..and did all my life...well before I had the pleasure of your aquaintance...and thatīs because they know and I found out that all it meant was "Christian"...and naturally that is unacceptable. There may be Christian Assyrians..but only if there are Muslim ones and as I said before, they donīt take orders or even suggestions from you.

even feel slightly threatened because they wonder what Assyrians' motives are and what they are trying to accomplish.

..oh, thatīs clear are trying to steal a portion of their land you have no right to under any circumstances and law in the world and if you canīt get that and you know you canīt, you want them harmed as much as possible...itīs obvious. The Assyrian heritage was protected and respected in Iraq and by Muslims just fine...what they wonīt allow is you Christians preaching and teaching country allows that.


...obviously there are many ignorant people in your camp as well....for instance, you didnīt know that the Muslims were the most advanced people of their heyday...right before the Mongol Conquest from which they never recovered...yet.

THe middleast has been the MOST BACKWARD SOCIETY EVER SINCE ISLAM took over

..thatīs just not boys had your monastarioes here and there and your pissant villages...but the Muslim Assyrians of BetNahrain built the mosr advanced city of its well as the marvels of Moorish Spain..such as the great mosque at Cordoba and the Alhambra in Grenada, to mention a very was from there that soap and Greek learning and the culture of BetNahrain spread to the rest of really should broaden your educational base a little.

they treat the WOMEN LIKE GARBAGE (see saudi, heart of it all)

...Saudis are Wahabis..the most fundamental of all...I doubt a country ruled by a family of Right Wing Christian Fundamentalist tyrants would be a pleasant place for women...and, also, Islam is the fastest growing religion in the United States and has converts all over Europe from among the Europeans...I hardly think these modern women would be converting if they expected to be treated like you claim they all are. The Mormon religion..another Christian sect, treats women like sex slaves...there is plenty of criminality to go around...also, Islam is 700 years younger than Christianity...go back 700 years in Christian history and youīll see women treated in awful ways too.

and are just against ANYTHING MODERN...EXCEPT...WEAPONRY!

...I find that an odd statement since they have no weapons factories and must buy everything they have from Christians...and most of all from the United seems to me you Christians have made a killing in weapons.


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