The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> further shock...

further shock...
Posted by beezelbub (Guest) - Saturday, June 25 2005, 5:19:13 (CEST)
from - Network - Windows 98 - Internet Explorer
Website title: you realize that the ONLY ones fighting for principle and in order to protect their homes and nation are the Freedom Fighters? Weird, isn't it...the United States can't find legitimate soldiers so it has contractors...paid mercenaries...and now has to offer bribes to get regular soldiers Americans to "defend" their country...and in Iraq, where there are no jobs and no reconstruction of anything, young men JUST as poor as the urban youth of America, are being offered the only jobs there are...and they aren't "protecting" Iraq either but they don't care...all they want is the same paycheck the American soldier wants...which leaves the Freedom Fighters who are fighting them ALL and no one is paying them a dime!

This is how you build democracy...really?


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