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=> games....

Posted by beezelbub (Guest) - Friday, June 24 2005, 17:22:05 (CEST)
from - Network - Windows 98 - Internet Explorer
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...the script goes like this...if you claim there are aluminum tubes and photos you show the UN contain fuzzy PROOF that atom bombs are being made in roving are an "advisor" are a "patriot" are an "expert" are Colin Powell...remember that damn fool?

..but...if you say something so damn elemental and simple..such as: it is wrong and counter-productive too to starve babies to death with the stated policy goal of getting their grieving parents to overthrow what you yourself claim is another are a "liberal".

Five corporations own all the major news outlets in the United States..including OUR air waves...they could give a shit if they drive their own redership into the ground...for the money they'll lose by it they'll more than make up in government contracts and lack of government controls and fact it would be safe to say that the owners of these rags and shows would like nothing more than if everyone STOPPED watching the "news"...the next best thing being to make of the "news" fluff and entertainment and of course propaganda for their corporate interests...

The medical "news" pushes drugs and snake oil cures...the economic "news" periodically pumps people into a frenzy by reporting which companies are going to be "hot"...the editorial page boils down to presenting corporate interests as "policy"...selling us any number of get rich quick schemes, for THEM...local "news" consists of fear-mongering...and there are no more articles on the lengthy exposes of the upcoming disasters...and of course the sports and funny pages to keep us all jolly. At least they dumped their red and yellow warnings...the election was won...remember?

The silliest notion of all is that whenever you ask for a simple accounting or a balanced view you are called a "Liberal" you used to be a Communist if you wanted fair wages or a union. And sweetest of all is that when these Conservative Christians get laid off from the gas station...they run to collect all the benefits "Liberal" policies got for them..not a ONE of them disdains to collect and therefore be tarnished by, unemployment insurance, social security, health care benefits, sick pay, sick leave, maternity leave or their retirement checks...and they ALL get minimum wage, overtime pay, an eight hour day, five day work-week and on and on...all of these being programs LIBERALS, who were then accused of being Communists, GOT FOR THEM...for us all.


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