The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> grair responds...

grair responds...
Posted by pancho (Guest) - Friday, June 3 2005, 4:00:54 (CEST)
from - Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

What A Day Hasbeen Had


Beth Suryoyo Assyrian (Othuroyo) Forum


Written by Oh Gees... on 03 Jun 2005 00:35:50:

One Grair will put away ten of you in two life times. My life as washed up arrrrrtist you weren`t able after all to find a single thing you grairs have done? I new you couldn` was just fun calling you on it.


Ashurbanipal Monument?

Now I sit and drink tequila all day. Arrrriiibaaa! Who am I...oh yes the arrrrrrtist. Little red corvette...sorry wrong arrrrrrrtist boys never fail to help out when called upon.


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