The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> "heartfelt" condolences from "Assyrians"...

"heartfelt" condolences from "Assyrians"...
Posted by pancho (Guest) - Saturday, June 4 2005, 2:03:34 (CEST)
from - Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

...I`m wearing out my "quotation mark key´.

To Hajjar Family


Beth Suryoyo Assyrian (Othuroyo) Forum


Written by Ashur Giwargis on 04 Jun 2005 01:55:39:

Dear Hanna

On behalf of my family and my mother's parents and family, I would like to express about our deep condolences for the loss of your dear father, wishing from God to rest his soul in peace.

Regards from all of us.

Giwargis and Tasheji families

...could none of your family feel anything for Majdolin`s family? Would it have killed any of you to post something like this when Christians killed her two babies and blinded her? Or would it have killed your agenda?

...I`ll say it again and you know it`s true..if Mr Hajjar had been shot to death by an American soldier, there would be no by the same token had Majdolin`s babies been murdered by`d have made a saint and a cause of her.

Do you see the common denominator here? It is NOT "condolences" on the death of "Assyrians" is a focus on Muslims as Christians want us all to believe...and the whitewashing of white people...of Christians who we are told are "liberating" people.

Do you you see how easy it is to blow your cover...with your own ample help? How can you think you are my "enemies"? You are my best friends.


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