let`s cut the crap... |
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- Wednesday, June 1 2005, 15:08:48 (CEST) from - dsl-201-135-96-40.prod-infinitum.com.mx Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
...Christians have no idea who Jesus is or what he stood for...especially not the ones throwing his name around now as a way to cover their crimes. When I say "fuck your Jesus"..I mean YOUR Jesus...THEIR Jesus..the Jesus Bush prays to...THAT caricature...I mean the descendants of the Romans most of all who`ve used the corpse of the man they killed to literally stuff down the throats of millions and millions of innocent victims..children especially. This was an extreme sect formed by and under unique conditions existing in a small corner of Israel but has been used as the pretext to wipe out the cultures and beliefs of people all over the world till they have no idea WHO they are...except for the ill-fitting "Christian" straight jackets they`ve been clamped into at birth and have been convinced since birth that this is them and what they CHOSE to be and believe...a good example is the African Americans of North and Central and South America and the native population of South America who know damn well HOW they "found Jesus"...but in the face of having lost all semblance of who they were...like a person raped repeatedly, have all learned to "love" and internalize the values of their rapist...as all slaves must eventually do...or if not they, then their children will adjust, made easier for them when they look back at their own ancestors as somehow having "deserved" their fate...while they, the lucky children, can "choose" their`s. There is an incredible amount of self-loathing in Christianity for this reason...a dislike of natural and native roots...in favor of the "gift" the foreign conquerors brought with them. Jesus was a wonderful man in a long line of wonderful men, before and since, who`ve been murdered for their new ideas...new ideas will ALWAYS be feared by settled men and women...always! If Jesus was a god then his "sacrifice" and example were pure sham....of all the other wonderful men and women who died for their beliefs...the rest all knew there was no getting up for them and flying to heaven...for Jesus to have played at being a man for a few moments reduces him and what he tried to do to nothing...one of those tricks pagan gods were forever playing on gullible humans...but enough of Jesus...that is, just as soon as you Jesus Creeps leave us alone with your Jesus...YOUR Jesus. How about we do what you Christians do where Islam is converned..never mind Judaism...you fixed them already. Let`s change all your many wars to Christian Wars...just that...let`s focus on the RELIGION of the attackers or defenders and not just the religion but let`s make the WORST example "typical"..let`s judge all of Christianity by the same ruler you use to measure all Islam....and we won`t even count the wars and crimes committed by the Romans AFTER discovering the "Prince of Peace"...and "trying real hard to live by his example"...what an insult THAT is... Let`s begin and stay in Europe...we don`t have to go very far back...I don`t have exact dates and I know of only a few of the many wars...the conquest of the New World was a CHRISTIAN Conquest...half the world`s population and people were FORCED TO CONVERT to Christianity on pain of death...entire civilizations were wiped of the face of the earth by CHRISTIANS...and for centuries after that, native people were hounded to extinction by CHRISTIANS...then there was the CHRISTIAN war of 1776 in which Christians killed Christians..then the CHRISTIAN French Revolution in which hundreds of thousands of Christians killed other Christians..before that there were all the CHRISTIAN wars in Europe where the most incredible crimes were committed against TOTALLY innocent people who`d harmed no one...all done by CHRISTIANS to CHRISTIANS...there were several minor CHRISTIAN wars leading up to the big CHRISTIAN World War...before which let us not forget CHRISTIANS roamed Africa and Asia, killing and stealing under the banner of CHRISTIANITY...after the first war to involve the world...the CHRISTIANS came back in barely the time it took to raise another generation of CHRISTIAN murderers and they took after each other and the world again...murdering opver six million innocent Jews who never did a thing to harm any of them..then CHRISTIANS dropped atom bombs on children in their sleep...and along the way CHRISTIANS became the biggest gun-runners and purveyors of death the world has EVER SEEN...and THESE people warn us that Islam is "violent"???!!! As far as that other branch of Christians..the Jews who converted first and remained in the East...they hadn`t the teeth and claws to hurt anyone but themselves..and they`ve done a damn good job of that...all that remained was for several of them, yearning to be FREE..came to America and Europe and Australia to "be Assyrians"...and at their first chance, started beating the drums for Western Christians to go attack BetNahrain some more...as you can see by the company they keep...all Christians are alike...but some are more sneaky and cowardly than others..if it`s any consolation to you that you belong to the latter group...my compliments. When your combined CHRISTIANITY stops attacking the world..as you have been doing for over 1000 years...let me know and I`ll tone it down a bit. It`s up to you...you fucking CHRISTIAN butchers. ...did I "attack" anyone? --------------------- |
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