The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> letīs get right down to the point...

letīs get right down to the point...
Posted by the devil (Guest) - Wednesday, June 8 2005, 15:40:00 (CEST)
from - Mexico - Windows 98 - Internet Explorer
Website title: will save trouble later...Iīm the devil...I admit it. I got tired of God killing women and children so I tried to stop him..naturally he said he was shocked to find out, "I hate him"..heīs like that. I decided to leave Heaven instead of put up a fight...who needs it.

Anyway, now that weīve been introduced you can just call me need to be formal...Mr. devil is not necessary..your lordship is also not necessary...

...let me see...where to begin today..oh yes....letīs review this "Assyrian Orphans" thing the born agains are pitching...letīs see what god might have told them to do...

First of all we know that Christians attacked Iraq and we know what happend to the Christians there the last several times...their Muslim neighbors resent their enthusiams and they donīt care if itīs outside Assyrians...there are outside Muslims

We know Christians say they hate to see other Christians get hurt...yet they DID hurt a lot of them..their trick of not noticing it and sweeping all the corpses under the Church fools no one...but them.

When we told them that Christians would catch hell, they said it would be better than the hell they were already catching..another lie we can now see plainly.

Now...when you hear the term "orphan"..what comes to mind? Maybe a child with no parents? more exactly, a child whose parents have died..and to be VERY exact, a child whose parents have been killed.

It remains to ask who did the killing. The boys refuse to own up to the fact that a war dropped on a civilian population will kill civilians...Aprimīs ploy was to say that we ALL know there are NO Assyrians in Baghdad..that they are all up north...until the churches in Baghdad were bombed...and we were told, by Muslims..and then, "OH BOY...there are Assyrians in BAGHDAD"! Such is soon as Muslims killed them...they were there...when Christians rained death from the skies for 14 years...there were none.

So...when you see KenDoll..for they are all him..say that we need to HELP find homes for Assyrian ORPHANS...what image do you get? The one youīre supposed to get is one in which Muslims, FOR NO REASON..went wild and joyfully killed a lot of Christian parents..that Christians killed over 27,000 Christian children BEFORE someone could profit by their "sad plight" never mentioned...all weīre supposed to come away with is more and total hatred of Muslims for killing Christian parents and thus giving us the opportunity to slam them some more..who REALLY gives a fuck about Christian children...Christians sure didnīt.

Theyīre merely more objects to be used to further godīs agenda for "Assyria".


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