The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> letīs go liberate....

letīs go liberate....
Posted by the devil (Guest) - Thursday, June 9 2005, 16:06:34 (CEST)
from - Mexico - Windows 98 - Internet Explorer
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Written by Webmaster on 09 Jun 2005 04:51:22:


Dear Visitors,

We have received an article by Mr. Sleiman Yousif Yousif, a member in the Political Bureau of the Assyrian Democratic Organization, about the recent incidents in Qamishly, Syria by radical Kurds. To read the article, please go to the

...on aina also theyīre telling us all about ATTACKS in Turkey as well. Ask yourselves what purpose this serves...whose purpose? Do you see now what aina and KenDoll and the rest were doing starting years ago? remember all the reposts of INJUSTICE IN IRAQ? Is there justice now? Have things improved for ANYONE besides a few American corporations?

...just who "inspires" these "alarming" posts? What can they REALLY do in terms of protecting the Christians who are supposedly being treated unfairly? At the same time the boys lament the INCREASED violence and restrictions placed on Christians in Iraq ONLY since the "liberation"..they are beginning slowly to beat the drums of war for two other countries where Christians are a minority, a minority trying desperately all these centuries to REMAIN and live in peace. Is THIS their crime? In the eyes of these outside boys who lather Uncle Samīs arse?...will the boys try to drive Christians out of Syria and Turkey and maybe Iran too? Is this their real agenda?

It sounds odd I know..but take another look into KenDollīs eyes. Is this an honest person?


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