The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> mercenaries...

Posted by beezelbub (Guest) - Friday, June 24 2005, 18:38:32 (CEST)
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...what a shock. I mean to realize that for most of its history, the United States has had an army of paid mercenaries. The task of any army is to protect the homeland against attack. The Revolutionary Army, I suppose, was protecting the Colonies...but the attack only came when they rebelled against the lawful authortiy...still, it WAS an attack on their homes. The War of 1812 was certainly a war to defend American soil...even the Civil War could be considered a defensive war against an invading force or forces...but that was the last one.

It's good to remember how the cream of American literary society and advanced thinking deplored the used the victory in the Mexican American War was put to...Mark Twain and even Ulysses Grant, commanding general of all Union Armies as well as two-term president of the United States said it was the most criminal war waged against totally innocent people ever. Then we entered the race for empire after the Spanish American war when we betrayed Aguinaldo, the hero of the Filipinos whom we at first supported in his rebellion against Spain...taking several key ports such as Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Philipines...betraying our stated principles and reasons for that war..which was to liberate the opressed, not change opressors.

After that it's been one mercenary war after another....the only time America was attacked on its soil was when Pancho Villa came across the border...and at Pearl Harbor...though technically Hawaii was't ours then.

The majority of our "wars" have been attacks against innocent people who merely wished to grow and develop as they saw fit...something we fought a war over as well. That of course doesn't count the countries we've infiltrated with dirty tricks and can always find someone to sell-out...ask the boys.

This latest round of wars are merely illegal attacks against sovereign nations...both of the last two, Vietnam and Iraq, being set in motion through lies and deceit....Johnson lying to the people and Congress about an attack in the Gulf of Tonkin that never happened..and Bush lying about WMDs that never were....Johnson managed to get passed the War Powers Act...a completely unconsittutional bit of legislation that gave ONE MAN the power to start a war..a war of "defense" and retaliation for an immediate threat or attack...but we know now there WAS no attack and no immediate threat...yet Congress has left this bogus law in place...creating the odd condition of a democracy in which ONE man can have the most dangerous single power of all...the main prop of all Tyrannies...that is, he can declare war all by himself, plunging the nation into all sorts of harm and damage and loss...and then leave ofice a hero...which Johnson didn't and Bush won't either...but they got what they and their cronies wanted.

And in this war, there is no pretense at all...recruiters are going to the poorest of the poor and offering them unheard of bonusus to join up...buying mercenaries who are NOT soldiers defending their homes and nation but adventurers in uniform out for the their bosses. Communities who can never expect anything but low level funding all of a sudden have the chance to earn more money than their elementary schools get in a year...all they have to do is go kill innocent Iraqis trying to defend THEIR HOMES!

Something will change in America. It has already.


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