of boys and bosses |
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- Sunday, June 5 2005, 20:10:43 (CEST) from - dsl-201-135-96-40.prod-infinitum.com.mx Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
..there are two ways of figuring things out..well three actually if you count bending over and having a priest or government official fill you up...one is the deductive and the other the inductive method... Deduction is what you do when you make a few observations of A and B and then form some generalized judgement based on what is most likely to be a connection you see between A and B, to you..as you see it. Induction is when you gather about as much information as you can stand, try to formulate a hypothesis and then go test it...but at its core it involves gathering together facts, Ma`am, nothing but the facts...supposedly you have no interest in which way they come out. When I started reading on these thingies years back something didn`t make sense..in fact a whole LOT of things didn`t make sense in this Assria by the sea. While any number of boys were going on and on about the greatness and might of modern Assyrians..their productions and quality were of the most shabby sort imagineable..as if they went out of their way to make "Assyria" as foolish sounding and raggedy looking as possible. They also seemed to have a hard on for anyone who threatened them by doing only a LITLE better...do a LOT better and they were your mortal enemies...how come? Then this Iraq war business started and it was amazing how quickly those who vowed to NEVER FORGET, NEVER LEARNED either. What had been clearer in our recent past than that listening to the cozy and oh so easy to dispense WORDS of the Brits had cost us dearly? The First World War was a completely unprovoked war, as is the one against Iraq, by Western Christianity over the oil fields in BetNahrain..who argues that point? Needing the usual suspects the Brits sent agents disguised as priests...what would YOU have sent them as...to make promises here and there and everywhere, knowing full well that there were frustrated dreams of restoring Jesus to the supremacy he supposedly once had in those lands...wasn`t hard, especially when you dispense cash left and right and set up "schools". We made the mistake of siding with them ONCE...Agha Poutrous did all that was asked of him and more...following through on their "promises", you`d think, wouldn`t have strained the Brits too far..that they chose not to must have been a matter of overriding policy...one which we may never fully grasp...but that doesn`t mean we should trust them again...and sure enough...they "betrayed" us at Versailles...and barely a couple of years later were BACK in Iraq and dressing us up in pretty uniforms for them..marching us around and getting us to kill our neighbors and those who had rescued a good portion of us...and then we are SURPRISED that there was a Simele? People who can be shocked and outraged and surprised at these sorts of things are dangerous to have at the helm...for they`ll run into a wall and be surprised they sprung a leak...reel of of that and plow into a mountain and get shocked that their fenders got crumpled..carrom off of their and go headlong over a cliff and get STUNNED to find out they broke their ship..which was steering their rudder all along. These are leaders? And before you can say "Ken Joseph goes down on Wellfed"...here they come AGAIN, singing their same tune..that a Christian war against the country of Iraq, in violation of every law and principle we ever formulated, would be GOOD for the few Christians still huddling in Iraq. Come again? From all this weird behavior you can forgive someone for GUESSING that the boys aren`t really working for the benefit of ANYONE besides their own resumes and whatever ideas they have of "serving" later on...at the very least they aren`t working for the betterment of the Christians of Iraq..that much is abundantly clear. And then you get Tiglath who starts digging and asking...looking for information, facts to weigh and see where they lead...as I`m sure we know he`d be praising KenDoll all over the place if their was the SLIGHTEST reason to...and in just a short time he`s uncovered some pretty damaging ones...and of course, as always happens, along comes Carlo and Wellfed to hurl accusations such as Tiglath has a BOSS and they have an AGENDA and they want to DESTROY the Christians of Iraq and USE them to gain some CREDIBILITY for themselves..and also are ANTI-AMERICAN and AUNTY Christ too! Which, without another single hard, cold fact..sort of makes Tiglath`s point all by itself. For why wouldn`t they be curious as well as to KenDolls non-existant books as well as willful misrepresentations of the Koran and their reading of it PLUS his supposed chats with Muslims experts who told him they HATE their own religion and want to be SAVED from it??? If they could, or wanted to, actually refute Tiglath`s allegations, the very easiest way would be to simply answer and provide evidence...instead we get the usual..attacks against the one who simply asks a question, when no harm would have come from merely providing ANSWERS..these aren`t State Secrets..or are they? How can ANYONE, Muslim OR Christain, who is supposedly a scholar, NOT know that "infidel" refers to pagans..to those NOT "of the book"? The "book" being the bible..meaning Jews AND Christians. This is certainly easy enough to respond to..yet Carlo comes on accusing Tiglath of being ANTI-AMERICAN! Who is trying to fool who? The fact is that, from Nimrod on UP, these boys have the utmost contempt for those they are supposedly serving...you can see it in the way they talk down to anyone who is above them...they have a paternalistic "we know what`s good for you" attitude that fairly reeks with condescension. Plus which this mad call to "UNITE YOU STUPID MOTHERFUCKERS"..is getting frayed around the edges...who IS united? Is Christiaity united...that they yell for us to all get in step behind them? It`s as clear as anything can be that our numbers in the MidEast, esspecially after 50,000 more have been driven out and 1000 driven under, are nowhere near to anything that can mean anything to anyone ON THE GROUND in Iraq. We`re hardly going to have any more power united INTO ten as we are split up AMONG ten...this is another one of the many 800 pound gorillas standing in the corner no one wants to notice. So, you ask yourself...if you know yourself that intimately, what exactly is to be gained and by whom if we DID unite the Christians of Iraq? Would the Christians there benefit? How? What could they ask for as ten people that they dasn`t ask for as ten separate people? What? A Triangle? There is no way in hell anyone in Iraq is going to GIVE anything to anyone else in Iraq...we all know it and THEY, the boys, all know it. This is mere flummery and sham..it`s the "McGuffin" as Hitchcock would say..the almost meaningless "thing" around which the plot revolves, but it is NOT of any real significance in and of itself. But it`s the best "rallying point" the boys think they have..the same one the Brits dangled in front of them ages ago...it`s just so appealing to think they can get a triangle..that their Christianity can be dominant somewhere...that their language and flag can be the ONLY one allowed etc. But it`s a lie..it`s the cheese or honey on the mousetrap..it`s what gets them stupid enough to throw all caution to the wind, to ignore their own recent past plus the horible past treatment these same Powers have meeted out to HUNDREDS of Darkies whose lands THEY stole and aren`t ever "giving back"...the boys also ignore their families, their own welfare, the odds or liklihood AND the obvious and well known RESULTS that will come with inevitable failure..I don`t care HOW much blind faith you have in Jesus waking you up in glory..if you have the same level of faith that America is handing out countries, yoù`re nuts! That brings us back to what, really, do these "friends of Assyria" have in mind..what`s in it for them, since absolutely NOTHING is in it for the folks back home..and here we enter murkier waters. John Nimrod had no use for Assyrians till AFTER he was booted out of the Illinois state senate...where they thought he was a Jew all along. Needing to gain some "credibility" he DISCOVERED us poor Assyrians huddling in masses waiting on a Savior..he also needed to remain in the game. That dismal example is the one all of these leaders follow..it just get`s them, right where they live, that they can be shop owners..porn store operators, own kebob joints, gas stations and be the HAIRS of ASHURBANIPAL...in a country wallowing in Christians where there is no longer anything surprising in one million more... or unique or even noble about their adherence to a Jew carpenter. Outside of BetNahrain and the MidEast these boys are literally nothing...nothing exceptional or out of the ordinary..and I think it`s THEN that they get a born-again sensation of their importance to history and BetNahrain and Jesus and the rest of it....but not because they want to DO something for those back home or even for BetNahrain..but because they NEED BetNahrain and the Christians trapped there..their "plight", which has unarguably worsened a hundredfold since "liberation" and the "stolen lands they suffered" to do something for THEM...for Nimrod and Bejan and Dadeeshoo all the boys between here and spit. There`s more of course, but it all leads down the same path...this concern for the Christans of Iraq is a sham..it`s what they toss at you whenever you ask them if they really wrote anything...or are really just a newsmagazine with no political objectives etc. They use it to try to make YOU look like you don`t care..when it`s THEM that could care less...except for what they can get out of those people. Sure I attacked them...but only to beat off their attack of the totally innocent and helpless Christians of Iraq, not to mention the far greater numbers of Muslim Assyrians there as well as the entire nation...of IRAQ!...I may not care for any of these religions but so what? Which child among them CHOSE any of it? --------------------- |
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