The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> strange days indeed...

strange days indeed...
Posted by beezelbub (Guest) - Thursday, June 23 2005, 5:13:58 (CEST)
from - Network - Windows 98 - Internet Explorer
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..the Repubs have shut down the mics once again on any debate anywhere in OUR Congress on the Downing Street Minutes..or smoking gun. The good thing is they have it on tape..the bad news is that five corporations own all the media outlets and so it ain't "news". These people are prepared to drive newspaper readership into the well as TV news...they make more money elsewhere and stand to consolidate their gains if the rest of us hear nothing and know nothing.

Sure are moral people with values...they couldn't get enough of Bill and Monica...but a memo that tells us that Bush lied and knew he was lying as a result of which thousands have died and the nation been robbed to the tune of a trillion dollars ISN'T news?

And what do you say of boys who "love" BetNahrain so they went along with it all...helping Christians kill Christians some more?


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