The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> tee hee

tee hee
Posted by beezelbub (Guest) - Wednesday, June 22 2005, 18:19:59 (CEST)
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Re: Its good to be a Grair


Beth Suryoyo Assyrian (Othuroyo) Forum


Written by fyi on 22 Jun 2005 06:24:23:

As an answer to: Its good to be a Grair written by jacob grair on 22 Jun 2005 05:04:35:

I just checked it out since 2327 seemed high. It actually was 15 mentions out of a total of 2327 posts but now that you are in his radar, I am sure he will shoot for the 2000 posts on you.

...I told you they all read. But none of them dare change NOONE to " no one"...even though the Devil has a lot to teach. My grandpa used to say that a MAN must never change his isn't manly.

...they're tickled to think that I got it wrong when calling them all grairs...point is they are all they are all grairs, tomorrow they are all Jassims...what they never were or can be is Assyrian...contradiction in terms, if you believe in monotheism.

He is a character, he posts against everyone being conservative and then he posted against you being a liberal.

..there are fools in all camps...what's the difference?

I think he just posts against anyone that is proud to be Assyrian., no are proud to be CHRISTIANS...and just as obviously ashamed to have ever been Assyrians...though in truth all you are is Jews...among the first converts to Christianity, as you never tire of pointing out...the idea that ANYONE willingly threw away the magnificent Assyrian heritage which had at its CORE Judaism has yahwe and then Jesus at its absurd and a false lie. USE the Assyrian Heritage as a blood sacrifice on the altar of that mass-murdering god of yours.

We should boycott reading there since he is always bragging about how many hits he gets but I bet half of them are him rereading his rants over and over again., no...I don't know what kind of host you turkeys have but ours counts only UNIQUE IPs within a 24 hour can't merely click over and over and get "visits" that way...silly boy. Are you all challenged by the truth? can see how they can't help themselves..sort of like jerking off, which is their other national characteristic. Maybe they need a 12 step program? Is there a chewing gum or patch that can help them quit "parhading"?

tee hee.


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